Training camp part 2 : Memes

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1: wait you guys are getting sleep

        Hinata is sitting with Noya, Tanaka, Kuroo, and Kenma in the cafeteria they were talking about how much sleep they have been getting. Kuroo says " I only get 9 hours of sleep " this makes Tanaka and Noya laugh Kenmas says " Kuroo that's a normal amount of sleep for a teen. " Hinata giggles at his comment Tanaka says " that's nothing I get 7!" Kenma mumbles " I get 4! " Hinata looked confused and said while looking at his upper class men " w-wait you guys are getting sleep?" The others stared at him with concern Noya stood up and said "I'm going to get Bokuto." Sho's eyes widened and he took off running after and yelled "YUŪ NISHINOYA YOU WILL NOT DO SUCH THING?!" But it was to late by the time he caught him he was already telling him. Bokuto looked at Hinata dead in the eye and through him over his shoulder and said " I know how to get you tired out Shoyo!" Let's just say he won't be able to walk for a bit.

2:  I heared you were talking shit about me


         Tsukishima was doing extra practice with Kuroo, Bokuto, and Akaashi and Bokuto was ranting about how pretty Shoyo is. Akaashi is trying fto shut him up he was tired of hearing his rants. While Kuroo was laughing his ass off at tsuki who was getting really annoyed. Tsuki says " Hinata is so annoying I dont get why you like him."

               The three third years stopped talking if looks could kill Tsukishima would be 6 feet under. Bokuto was about to say something when he saw Shoyo hanging upside down from a rope like spiderman. Sho put a finger to his lips and went down the rope behind Tsuki and said


         Tsuki jumped and fell yelling " WTF "

3:   You still call your dad daddy


              Hinata is out with Terushima, Yamaguchi, and Oikawa they are at the park. They were at a picknick table talking about MEMES when someones phone went off. The ring tone was the song fuck you by Lily Allen Hinata reached into his bag and pulled out his phone Terushima looked over at his phone and said " You still call your dad daddy " with a laugh at the end.

         Hinata looked him dead in the eye answered his phone and said " Hi Bokuto " Terushima stopped laughing while Oikawa and Yamaguchi started laughing their asses off.


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