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Before you can continue through the to RP we would like to have some rules for all guys too follow. If you can follow them we would appreciate that!

1. Please censor your swearing! We don't mind swearing but we just prefer that swearing is kept to a minimum or is censor when used.

2. There is to be no underage characters!

3. Please don't write small responses like this: "Dave smiled happily at Dean and hugged him."
It makes it hard for us to respond to two word responses and we prefer at least something descriptive to help keep the RP interesting.

4. Do not make your character "Perfect" or in other words "OP" in some cases. It throws off the whole RP say your character couldn't die that is honestly not fun.

5. Be respectful and do not comment in other people's RP's.

6. If you don't get a response from us do not spam @ at us. If we don't respond in 2 hours you are allowed to @ us. But if we notice you spamming you will get into trouble.

7. Be kind to others in the RP. This also not a group RP.

8. RP in third person.

9. That most important rule... Have fun!

10. The Password is "There if no fluffing password"

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