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Loud laughters filling the wide field gives life to an almost paradise place for Hyunsuk and Jihoonnie while playing random games.

It was the first time Hyunsuk doesn't need to brag his expensive toys just to gain playmates and fake friends. The first time too to step away from their town house to see the world that he didn't appreciate from the first time he came. Afraid to play with many kids thinking he will get hurt if they don't like him. Then there's this little Jihoonnie who appeared and suddenly became his only friend.

" Jihoonnie? " Hyunsuk called finding the younger who's currently hiding again.
" Jihoonniieee. " with his low cute voice and taking small steps while looking around.

" Boo!! "

" Ahhh! " then screamed so loud and jumped high in surprise as the mentioned boy suddenly appeared in front of him.

" Hyungnim is such a scaredy-cat." Jihoonnie said laughing at his own success to scare the older.

" Yeah, do you think it's funny? Do you wanna know what's funnier? " Hyunsuk who stepped forward. Looking so innocent while staring at the younger then a smile suddenly disappeared from Jihoonnie's face.

" W-What do you mean? "

" I mean this !"

Hyunsuk suddenly moved tickling the younger that brought loud laughters again caused by Jihoonnie who collapsed at the bed of green grasses.

An endless vacation at first but ended up being like a day that just passed really fast.

It will be over too soon.

They will go back to Seoul again that Hyunsuk once wanted. But now, it's like a nightmare that he don't wanna think about.

" Choco mint is my favorite flavor of ice cream. " Jihoonnie cutely said. They're sitting at the large tree's branch while eating the ice cream they bought.
" Do you like Choco mint ice cream too ,Hyungnim? "

" I love mango and strawberry. But mommy do love choco mint with cherry on top too. " Hyunsuk answered smiling at the younger then licked his own mango ice cream.

" Your mommy has a very very good taste. " Younger smiling brightly as the sun.

" Yeah,  you think? " Hyunsuk playfully asked then Jihoonnie nodded as an answer without removing his bright smile in his face.

It was the first time he got a real friend and Hyunsuk is afraid that the happiness he has with Jihoonnie will end as soon as their vacation ended too.

" If I give you something important to me,  will you keep it? " Jihoonnie suddenly asked that took the older's attention.

" Of course if it's from you. " and Hyunsuk answered immediately that made the younger flashes a bright smile again.

Recieving a kinda thick but not that big book entitled "Practicing Happiness".

" Where did you get this?  Why are you giving this to me?" confusedly looking at the book then to the younger.

"Because I'm already happy." a simple answer followed by a simple yet captivating smile made Hyunsuk soft for the younger.
"My grandmother gave me that book when my parents left and that helps me a lot." Explaining things easily while still eating his ice cream.
" For me you have the most beautiful smile in the world so I want to keep it. I want you to read it and think about me whenever you smile."


" Hyungnim wait! "

The day has come and Hyunsuk hate the fact that their vacation is over. They're going back to seoul again and he will leave his only friend Jihoonnie.

" Jihoonie. " Hyunsuk with a sad pouting face that automatically disappeared as he saw the younger running towards his direction.

" Did you tell Jihoonnie that we're leaving today? " asked by his mother who's currently carrying some of her personal things and received a sad pouting face again.

" I didn't. " Hyunsuk simply said turning his gaze to Jihoonnie.
" We will just forget each other maybe after weeks or months. He will forget me eventually. He can make lots of friends because he's such a nice boy and I am not. " almost cry at his own thought but being Hyunsuk himself managed not to make it too visible.

" Honey we will go back here too and as you said.. Jihoonnie is such a nice boy so he won't forget you like you've thought. " Smiling at her child then kissed Hyunsuk's forhead before leaving the kid for a while.
" Cheer up honey. It's  not like you'll leave him for good but for a while only. We will go back here promise. " she continued as she managed to looked back and winked at her child.

" Hyungnim?  I've heard you're leaving. Where are you going?  Can I go with you? " Jihoonnie starts babbling as he stopped resting in his knees that's currently shaking caused by running too fast for Hyunsuk.
" A-are you angry with me?  Why you didn't tell me? I thought you wanted me to be your friend. Don't you want to play with me anymore? Hyungnim ?"

" It's not that. " Hyunsuk who just turned his gaze down not wanting to meet younger's beautiful pair of eyes or else he will end up crying because he don't really wanna go home. He wants to stay with Jihoonnie. He wants to play with Jihoonnie all day long. He don't wanna play with those kids who just forced by their parents to play with him because he is Choi Hyunsuk.
" I'm schooling at Seoul. My parents are working in Seoul. But I will go back maybe at the middle of December and we will play again. " He said cheering both of them.

" That's what my parents said before. But until now they're not coming to be with me. " Jihoonnie's small yet cracking voice are slowly breaking the older's heart.
" Please stay Hyungnim, don't be like them. "

" I can't stay for now. But I will surely go back here. " older said consoling the younger.

" Pinky promise. " then little Jihoonie said showing his pinky finger.

" Promise. " placing his pinky finger on younger's as a sign of their promise to each other.
" Wait for me. "

" I will. "

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