Chapter 2 - Mouse

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As I stepped inside the building I looked around me I hadn't been in a police station in a while, after a minute I walked up to the reception I stood there for about 30 seconds until a female Sergeant popped up from behind the desk and looked at m...

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As I stepped inside the building I looked around me I hadn't been in a police station in a while, after a minute I walked up to the reception I stood there for about 30 seconds until a female Sergeant popped up from behind the desk and looked at me confused and also glared at me at the same time "Can I help you?" The Sergeant said abruptly still glaring at me "Hi I said looking for Greg" I said being polite to her even though my presence seemed to annoy her "Greg?" The Sergeant said sounding confused "I think you guys call him mouse" I said which made her pull a face that was similar to a light bulb moment "who's asking after him" Sergeant asked as she reached for the phone.

"Tessa Michaels I'm a friend" I said as she stared at me "ok" she said before calling so I stood there in a moment "ok go up I'll buzz you in" she said as I smiled before walking upstairs and stepping through the door before walking up another set of steps "can I help you?" A female officer said as she looked at me confused "I'm here to see Mouse?" I said which made a male officer look up from his desk "Tessa" I heard a voice say before he came running around the corner "Greg" I said as he ran over with a huge smile on his face.

Before lifting me up and hugging me tightly which made everyone around us look confused "it's so good to see you" Greg said as he placed me down "you too" I said smiling at him "who's this" the black haired male said "you must be Jay" I said pointing at him "yes I am" Jay said looking at me "wait is this the Tessa" Jay said pointing back at me "yeah nice to meet you" I said shaking his hand "and you must be Lindsay" I said as she also shook my hand "yeah" Erin said "so what you doing in Chicago" Jay said as he leant against another desk "I'm on the hunt for my birth mom" I said sounding nervous "what's her name maybe we can look into her" Erin said with a smile on her face "I already did it's one Cindy Herrmann" I said which made Jay and Erin look at each other confused "isn't that Herrmanns wife" Jay said looking confused "Herrmann?" I asked "he's a firefighter in the CFD a friend of ours" Jay said which made me feel like a hole would appear and suck me in.

"Please don't mention anything I kinda wanna meet my mom on my own terms." I said feeling anxious because I had made such a huge life changing decision to move to Chicago and I didn't want my mother to find out who I was before I had the chance to speak to her and explain who I was. "of course" Erin said looking at me from her desk before a man came around the corner with short grey hair "who's this" he said with a raspy voice "this is my friend Tessa" Greg said "well unless she's a cop or being booked in she needs to leave" he said he must be the boss Hank Voight "I'd better go nice to meet you guys and detective Voight" I said which made Voight look at me confused as I headed down the stairs and out of the district. I needed to find somewhere to stay so I waited outside all afternoon and evening until Greg came out "hey" I said which caused him to look at me.

"Jesus Tessa you must be freezing" Greg said as he ran over and put his jacket around my shoulders before grabbing my suitcase "have you been waiting here all day" Greg asked looking at me worried because it was cold in Chicago "I had nowhere else to go" I said as we began to walk "well you can stay with me" Greg said with a smile on his face "have you thought about what your going to do for a job?" Greg asked as we headed to his car "I'm not sure for as long as I can remember I've wanted to be a firefighter so I was thinking of joining the academy" I said which seemed to impress Greg "really?" Greg asked "yeah when I was living on the streets I met a Battalion Cheif who really helped me" I said as we reached his car.

"Get in i will deal with the suitcase" Greg said as he headed to the boot so I got into the passenger seat after a minute Greg jumped in the drivers seat "let's go home" Greg said as he looked to me and smiled before he started the car "talking of the fire academy what if you end up at her husbands firehouse you need to speak to your mom" Greg said as he looked at me "im not ready yet, and I don't know why she left me maybe she didn't want me" I said looking down at my feet "maybe there's another reason and only by talking to her you will find it out" Greg said smiling at me nervously "I know but just not yet" I said trying to smile but I was sad. As we arrived back Mouse grabbed my bags and we headed inside as Mouse placed down the bags I laid down on the couch "ahh" I said laying there with a smile on my face "make yourself at home" Mouse said sarcastically as he laughed "don't worry I have" I said laughing "can I borrow your laptop?" I asked as Mouse headed to his kitchen "Yeah sure it's  at my desk" Mouse said smiling.

"I'm glad to have you here" Greg said I got up and headed over "me too" I said turning to face him and smiled before I sat at his desk and opened his laptop and headed onto the search engine before finding the CFD applicant website "you hungry?" Greg said looking at me which made me turn around "yeah" I said feeling happy that I was around Greg he was one of the only family members I have. As I was filling out my application Greg put a plate of grilled cheese next to me "thanks" I said looking up at him as he leant against the wall next to me "if the fire academy is what you want I'm pretty sure I can get Voigt to put a good word in for you I know he's a police detective but it could help" Mouse said. Greg stood there next to me as I finished the application "put Voight as reference" Greg said with a smirk on his face "you sure?" I asked "Yeah it will be fine" Greg said. "Ok done" I said tapping the send button with one finger.
End Of Chapter 2

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