Chapter 4 - Graduation

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Over the next few months, I worked as hard as I could on the physical side

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Over the next few months, I worked as hard as I could on the physical side. Greg had arranged for me to train with a CPD trainer who was the best in his field, and he pushed me hard, leaving me exhausted, but he increased my endurance and strength, which is what every firefighter needs because the job requires endurance. Whatever time I had left, I spent at the local library with Millie studying whatever we could get our hands on in order to ace both of the firefighter tests.

I'd never worked so hard in my life. But all I want to be is a firefighter, and today was the day I was going to graduate as well as find out which firehouse I was going to be assigned to. When I woke up, the first thing I looked at was my dress uniform that I had pressed, ironed, and folded the night before, and I sat and stared at them for a while with a smile on my face because this was the only thing I had looked forward to for months. As I sat there marvelling at it, I heard a tap at the door, which I answered, and Greg said, "hello," with a smile on his face.

"Today is the day," Greg remarked as he moved over to sit alongside me on the bed. "I know, and I can't help freak out," I muttered, my pulse beating within my chest from worries. "freak out good?, because you earned it I've never encountered such a hard worker in my whole life," Greg replied, which baffled me. "really?" i asked "Of course, and I know you don't have much of a family, but I'm proud of you," Greg said, causing tears to well up in my eyes. Because I'd never had anyone care about or be proud of me, let alone family, hearing this meant everything to me.

"Thankyou" i said with a sad tone as i reached out and placed my hand on his before we smiled at each other for a while "right get out so I can get changed" I said shoving his shoulder "I'll be waiting outside" Greg said before he stood up and headed out of the room.

Before I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom before having a shower, drying my hair and putting it into a tight military bun before doing my makeup but did natural makeup because I wanted to look as smart as I could for the ceremony and ...

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Before I got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom before having a shower, drying my hair and putting it into a tight military bun before doing my makeup but did natural makeup because I wanted to look as smart as I could for the ceremony and photo. Before getting changed into my uniform I spent a while checking over the uniform Atleast 3 times because I wanted everything to look perfect.

I then stood there for a while looking at myself in the mirror with a smile because the day was finally here I was graduating the academy and becoming a fire fighter "you can do this Tessa because today is the day" I said to myself "time to shine" I said straightening myself one more time before heading out of the room into the living room as I did Greg stood there with a huge smile on his face "look at you" Greg said as I smiled "same to you mister" i said as I looked at Greg show was stood there in a suit with a fresh shave and combed his hair "I don't do this for every woman you should feel so lucky" Greg said as we both chuckled.

"Let's get going" Greg said as he grabbed his car keys before we both headed out of his apartment and to his car as we drove to the academy I sat there quite because I was nervous mostly because  of finding out which firehouse I was going to end up going to because I didn't want to end up at Firehouse 51 because my birth mothers husband worked there it was bad enough that I stumbled across him at the academy but I didn't know I would end up feeling working with him.

As Greg parked the car we got out before walking towards the academy building but i just stopped at a holt and froze so Greg did too standing next to me as we looked at the building "it's time to go in" Greg said as he reached for my hand holding it as I looked at him "ok" I said nodding at him before we headed to the parade square before he walked away and stood with the other firefighters families

"Class Ten-hut" the commander said as we all stood at attention "Candidates, after all your hard work your here, your graduation, many of you have left and at the end the strongest succeeded" the commander said "and you should be proud of all you have accomplished" the commander said which made me smile as it turned to face Greg who had a huge grin on his face. "Now your assignments" The commander said as he read out all the assignments I went into a daze until I heard my name "Tessa Michaels" the commander said which made me snap out of it "Firehouse 51" as the commander said this my heart sank.

I dreaded that this would happen because out of all the houses this was the one house I didn't want to end up at and I was assigned there, after the commander read out the last of the assignments everyone began to disburse so I ran over to Greg with tears in my eyes before hugging him "it's gonna be ok" Greg said as he rubbed my head with his hand "it's gonna be ok" Greg said again as I cried into his chest. Today was supposed to be one of the best days of my life but it felt the complete opposite and I didn't know what to do.

Later on we headed out to a bar, because right now I needed to forget everything I was feeling for a while before I came up with a plan about what to do next as we sat at the bar the both of us quite because I think either of us didn't know what to say to the other "I'm pretty sure if you explain" Greg said but before he could continue I cut it him off "I can't tell anyone" i said snapping at him "well what are you going to do working in the same firehouse as your step father" Greg said which made sense "I don't know but I'm not ready for it to come out yet I'm still dealing with this myself" i said with a heartbroken tone in my voice.

"Well for now we're going to get incredibly drunk celebrating your graduation and tomorrow we will come up with a plan" Greg said with a smile trying to cheer me up.
End Of Chapter 4

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2022 ⏰

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