Because (Yo best title ever)

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3rd person P.O.V: Iida sighed and nodded "Because he thinks I'm a "Good for nothing Microsoft nerd".." Iida teared up a bit. Aizawa looked at his student with a heartbroken expression and sighed "I will talk with Deku.." Aizawa got up and Iida nodded "But I will need to talk with Bakugou to-" Aizawa started to say before he was cut off by a tall male with straight black hair with a few bruises and a tear-stained face "Mister Aizawa!" Sero ran in and almost bumped into Bakugou "I'm so sorry to interrupt I leave!" Sero ran out quickly. Iida and Bakugou turned around only to see that Sero was already gone. Iida got up and bowed to Mister Aizawa "I will go after him. Thank you for helping me. I will leave you to talk with Bakugou-kun" Aizawa nodded as he watched Iida quickly walkout since he didn't want to break the 'no running in the halls rule' Iida ran/walked only to bumped into Deku. Deku chuckled and acted innocent since the rest of the Dekusquad was there and helped him up "Are you okay Iida-kun?" he gave him a 'Be nice or you will get in trouble later' face with a smirk though. Iida shook his head and got up completely ignoring Deku's hand and dusted himself off shocking the group since he was always polite to Deku.  "I'm fine Deku. Not like you care anyways Deku." this made Deku furious and shocked the whole Dekusquad. Uraraka walked up to Iida "What the hell Iida!? What has gotten into you?" she put her hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look as Iida sighed thinking he was going to apologize, but he wasn't. "Nothings got into me." He pushed her hand off and ran off to Sero leaving the Dekusquad completely shocked. Ururaka looked back at Iida "W-what..? H-h-he.. h-he-he's never li-like this..!!" Deku was pissed that Iida did that and that he made his crush {Ururaka} cry. Asui walked up to Ururaka and calmed her down while Deku left to go teach Iida a lesson, leaving Todoroki confused. As Iida ran he looked back to see Deku running after him, naturally he picked up his pace. A bit later Iida lost track of Sero and looked for him to the restroom. Only to hear it get locked behind him and a familiar chuckle from behind him. 

(402 words)

Hey guys,gals, non-binary,pangender,potato and microwavable dinner pals! My apologies for not posting this last month! A lot of things were going on, plus school and I honestly had no idea.. I hope I can make it up to you guys and you're not to mad at me! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! And I know for sure that the clifhanger will totally make you love me more~ I'm kidding- Have a nice day, night or afternoon! And  late happy new years! Late Merry Christmas! Late Happy haunica! And late happy/merry any other holiday that I may have forgotten!


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