20 2 0

As Praneeth had settled onto his Window seat the train was chaotic,he knows train will be chaotic in this densely populated part of India,the people were pushing each other someone was pushing him into the window,someone was rubbing thier back to him(P.S it was an reserved compartment) he was all disgusted with the chaos and the unhygienic conditions.Even for a typical Indian the degree  of uncleanliness was too much to bear he is Dying with foul smell of improperly maintained bathrooms mixed with the cigarette smell which was coming from a Man who is smoking like hell,he decided one things HE WILL UPGRADE so when the T.C came to the compartment he decided to ask for upgrade and he asked for it,to upgrade he need to pay the fare difference between the classes he knows that,so he was ready to pay the difference but the T..C said no and said only SPECIALS will be upgraded,Praneeth knows what that SPECIAL is, BRIBE he said "Fuck You" To himself and paid the bribe to the T.C, he paid the bribe because he knows he alone can't change the system and the society,after he paid the Special Price Immediately he was rushed to 3 Tire AC Compartment it looks something like this.

So As he Settled Down here it was neat It was comfortable and most importantly it wasn't chaotic and messy so that now he can take a deep breath and take a snack as he skipped lunch to catch the train,as he tore a big pack of Kur-Kure (an Indian snack)he saw a small boy staring at from afar, like he want some company Praneeth's heart melted so he called the boy to him and offered a Piece of what he was eating, the Child's Parents were seeing all this from thier seats,They Rushed towards the child and Yanked Him out from Praneeth's reach, Praneeth was hurt he was upset because he knows what the Parents are gonna say,"YOU KIDNAPPER" they yelled in disgust,he felt like trash right there he wanted to shout at the parents"I TOO AM EATING WHAT I'M GIVING HIM" but he knows very well that isn't gonna work he knows that a Parent's voice will cleary out heard than that of solo traveler,so he rather said "I'm a student why would I do so and....."he stopped by the boy's father heavy slap on his child's face Praneeth was shocked ,how a father can slap his own child for no reason,but then they went out from the scene by dragging his son along with them

His Thoughts Went On back to times when he travelled with his parents, Actually it was the first the time he was travelling solo because his parents have some schedules at the date of Interview,he used to have fun while travelling with his parents his parents used to make him great snacks,his mother used to comb his hair which used to be swept away by the rushing wind of air,and the warmness of the blanket she used to cover him with while he pretended to asleep(only to forget and sleep peacefully,while banging his head over a wall for missing the night on the train) and the drinks father used to buy him.

He misses his Parents too Much and he misses them most because now he dealt with an accusation he never even thought of doing,he thought if only if his parents were by his side he would have been defended by them he thought if only if his parents were with him he wouldn't have been mistook by some other parents he was so upset that he couldn't enjoy his journey anymore.

TIME:02:30 AM (+2days)
Weather:Hot and Humid(it's disgusting)

As he dropped his bags after a Strenuous 36 Hours journey he didn't even enjoy,he was as messed as fuck he travelled so much that he looked and smelled like rotten fish he was full of disappointment and kept walking towards the station his weakness had flown away as soon as he saw his father,he was just 5'3'' and Of normal build but as a Child,Praneeth Always looked him as an hero,his father was charismatic he was compassionate everyone whom his father met always wanted him to stay with them because his father used to bring happiness he was a great person he was a great father at the top of all we will discuss about his father as the book moves on but for now they've to catch an autorickshaw to get themselves back home,as soon as they caught the auto his father started with asking him questions and Praneeth was obliged to answer them he has no other choice

Q1)How did the Interview go on?
Ans)I think it went well.

Q2)(in a harsh voice) hmmm What Nice why don't you answer my questions straight?
Ans)How can I say that it went great NANNA the only thing I can say is that the interviewers were amazed by my performance that's it

His father being satisfied by his answer decided to keep quite for the rest of the journey,once they reached thier home in Kakinada he was so exhausted and happy that he slept for 12 hours straight by time he woke up it's already afternoon and he was as hungry af he needs to eat the most beautiful thing in his life FOOD made by his mother,the one thing we all like the most is the food of our mom they just make amazing dishes everyday and they taste even more tasty when you eat out for days,he ate to his heart content and the thing he liked the most In the dinner was "Majigga pulusu"it was just yummy and perfectly seasoned that he ate 3 servings of that dish

As he had completed his lunch he needs to go out with his friends to the BEACH yes Kakinada has a beach Indeed an beautiful one but the maintainence is not on bright side

Now his Friends wants ANSWER they don't know why he went to Delhi they don't know what was the purpose for so they are pleasing and requesting him to say the answer but Praneeth wasn't ready to give an answer to these questions anytime soon

So they walked through the Uppada Beach the Weather was pleasant and great though it was may the cool breeze coming from the Sea was just so cool and awesome as they sat in the sand they recollected thier memories

It was when they were in elementary school they met each other

All three of them remember that day it was the first day of elementary school they sat In the same bench and the rest was history.....

OMG I forgot to Introduce Praneeth's Friends Their names are Vinay and Raghu (they exist in this world lol)

As they sat in the sand they don't know how important this Beach and this sand will be in the upcoming fight

Place: The Tri Junction Of The Big Red Three
Time:Just Before Praneeth Took Train
Weather:It's Ok

What we Must Do,The Council Asks It's Chairman in an Unified Voice Which Area Must be Targeted and LIBERATED Chairman XI what we Must do

Chairman Xi Thinks hard and discusses with other Vice Chairmans of the Council


This is an Historical Meeting And We Must Have To Remember Today The 15 th Of May 2018 as an Important day and my Decision I took after talking with Vice Chairman Kim And Vice Chairman NUTIN is that our first target must be an suprise attack on an Ally which is with USA.

He added that Though the Country must be Weak it must be strong and Powerful To Send The World into Chaos and Despair it must be Weak But powerful it must be an Ally but also an Enemy It Must BE




THANK YOU for reading my Story and it will get intense as the story goes on hope you enjoyed my story and please leave your feedback in the comments I will be reading them Thank You

My College have Been reopened since Friday so Sorry for my 3 Hour Delay hope you understand it

I'm Sorry to Use An INAPPROPRIATE Font I will not use it from now

Thanks To Vinay and Raghu who have given thier Valuable feedback to make this story Better and clearer

Thank you So much

Yours Lovingly

K.P.Sarath Chandra (Lol)
The guy who is Writing

Date:8th December 2020
Time:23:25 (GMT +05:30)

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