Im Ganzen Tanzen

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(For the record it means 'Dancing throughout' in German)

Wilhelm: *Screaming into pillow*

Paul: "Calm down William."

Wilhelm: "The dance is coming up!"

Connor: "Aaaaaaaaaand?"

Edward: "He hasn't asked anyone."


Connor: "Every time when the site used to have socials we never asked anyone."

Paul: "I never asked because I don't think it was necessary."

Connor: "Precisely!"

Wilhelm: "Knowingly so! I have a feeling that part of team RWBY will force us to go!"

Paul: "Oh fffuuuuck."

Wilhelm habitually got up to relieve his stress by sharpening knives, the guys never questioned it, it kept their knives and blades sharp. 

Connor: "No, stop it. Not this time."

Wilhelm threw the grinding stone across the room knocking over books.

Connor: "Was that necessary?"

Wilhelm: "No. But it feels good!"

Connor: "Can't argue with that."

a knock came on the door, upon opening it Yang and Ruby were standing there smiling.

Ruby: "Sooooooooooo"

Edward: "No."

He was going to shut the door, only for it to be stopped by Ruby's foot.

Ruby: "Ow..."

Edward opened it up again and sighed.

Edward: "We... Normally don't go to socials."

Yang: "Whaaaaaaat!? But you guys seem super sociable!"

Paul:  "Take a proper look at us Yang."

She looked at them and saw that they were just soldiers, not exactly truly kids.

Yang: "Fair enough, but won't it feel good to be kids for just one more night?"

Wilhelm: *Sighs externally* "She's right."

Connor: "We have no one to ask, everyone's already been taken."

Yang: "Why don't you ask Blake?"

Connor: "Whaaaaaat!? N-no! Nope!"

Ruby: "Well she does kinda- oop."

Ruby realized her mistake and backtracked.

Connor: "She what?"

Ruby: "She's just r-reserved! Yea-haaah."

Paul: "LIES"

Edward: "Paul, don't."


Connor: "What?"

Wilhelm *Muted because his face is in a pillow again*: "Blake likes you."

Connor: "Me? Nooooooo."

Wilhelm: "Yes she does, you dense motherfucker."

Paul: "DENSE!"

Edward: "Paul gets like this when he's nervous."


Connor: "But she said 'It's a waste of time' and that she's... Too worried... About Torchwick and all that..."

Foundation's Remnant Vol 2. - The New OrderWhere stories live. Discover now