Hi my name is Emma and all my life I've practiced fighting to join Steve. My dream was to help Steve fight against angry mobs. But when I ask him he says,"No! You are too young and you'll get hurt and die." My wolf friend(which is my pet wolf.) Mina is the only one that believes me that I will help him.
My mom Jane is a chef and my dad Dan is a priest and my sisters Brianna,Chloe and Kimberly don't believe in me. They say,"Emma we don't want you to be killed .Steve could handle this. Alone!" I will prove my family wrong by joining the mobs side. But I have lots of unusual powers that help me.
First Female Minecraft Villager Mob
AksiAll 16 year old Emma wanted to do was fight. But Steve wouldn't allow her. Her 2 choices A.Just give up her dream. Or B. Join the mobs sides. She chooses B