my fight

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i dodged each bullet as the men began to shoot, i may have had a bullet shoot through my leg in the process.

but i can transfer bullets to my hands through my body, i slit one mans head off, another guy i shot in the brain and i may have used some poison gasses to deal with the rest, just enough to kill these five guys.

i headed to the back of this place putting away my weapons as i am walking, that's when i found nine girls crying and tied up! these guys are sick! this is disgusting! what in gods name allows men to do this?!

i brought the girls out, i was comforting them as colossus was coming soon, the kids are only eleven and ten years old!

when colossus arrived the girls started to tens up, i held them close and assured them that he would take care of them.

before colossus could turn to me i revieled my wings to the kids and flew off, they were over joyed, the only girl who was as brave as can be, started chearing.

"thank you death angel!"i looked back to see her waving, i waved back to her,thing are going to change a lot for those girls.

death angel(on hold)Where stories live. Discover now