|| chapter 5 | the girl who cried wolf ||

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She didn't move. Doc had kept her word, she had forced Addison to get a breath of fresh air and a bite to eat.  That didn't change the mood of her cell or the energy she kept surrounded. "Addison, hey."

She shifted a bit, letting me know she could hear me. Sucre stood at the entrance and I stood in front of her bed. "Hey kid, look you'll be in here a while. You don't wanna punish yourself like this," Sucre cooed, still standing by the entrance and leaned against the metal bars. She didn't say anything, she sniffed a little bit but that was all we got. I didn't want to say anything and have her little secrets revealed. "Sucre, can you stand far and keep everyone out? I want to talk to her but I don't want to embarrass her."

He nods and walks a bit away from her cell, Bellick on the opposite side of her cell. He gives me a grimace but looks away like he knows that I'm trying to help. "Addison, how would your brothers feel about you doing this to yourself?"

She sat up as quickly as she could, stiff from laying there all day. She turned to face me and I could tell she hadn't slept in a while. Her hair wasn't pulled back anymore, it was loose and untidy. Her eyes fell heavy but she managed to keep eye contact with me. She scoffed, "I personally don't think they'd give two f*cks," she groaned as she crossed her legs. "So tell me, what about that boy? I'm sure he wouldn't wanna see-"

"Shut up."

I looked down in embarrassment. I didn't want to bring him up 'cause it seemed low of me, but I did. "I'm sorry, for all of it. I don't know how bad the pain is, but I know how it is to be at risk of losing someone."

She glared at me with cold, tired eyes. "At risk? I won't get to hold my baby boy when he has a nightmare or to see him walk across that stage to get his high school diploma. I'm not at risk, Michael. I'm stuck here for 20 years, for something I know I didn't do."

As she was about to lay back down, I knelt to her and held her arms.

"What if I could get you out of here?"


"Are you crazy?" I almost yelled. He winced and hushed me, pointing out towards Bellick, who was talking to John Abruzzi. "You don't have a chance to win your case, do you?"  Michael asked me. My heart tightened in misery. I looked over to the letter Robbie sent, a picture of all three of my favorite guys attached. "No, all the evidence points toward me but I don't even know I did it. They said if I gave up my plan, then I could lessen my time but I don't know how I could even try-"

"I believe you, Adi...Addison."

I looked up to him and saw his body language change. As law students, we are taught (self-taught or pick up on) about the hints you can pick up on when it comes to body language. He wasn't lying and he was letting his guard down. He expressed that he trusted me. It was different from how he expressed himself with Sucre and Abruzzi. He was tense around them and tried to keep himself tall in confidence. Fake it 'til you make it, right?

"You wanna get me out of here?"

He nodded, "But Addison, I don't know if you'll get to ever see them again. None of them."

So...I either live my days on the run, maybe (less than likely) on a sunny beach somewhere or I live here with no opportunity to experience my son grow up.

"Just think about it. Obviously, don't tell anyone, just think about it for a day or two."

Oh, how generous!

But I think my heart has already made a choice.


"So?" Sucre asks as we walk outside. Addison, still, nowhere to be found. I shrug and Abruzzi groans, "She's gonna rat us out, boy. She's a lawyer for god sakes," he spits. "Oh shut up, and keep the lord's name out of your mouth."
Sucre stood in front of us, mostly in front of John. "She's lost a lot, imagine losing everything you got. To you, well you know you'll see your family again. She's a lawyer, remember? She's got nothing!"

We stood in silence. John looked at his feet. A few seconds pass and they both start to stare at me, or something behind me. I turned around to see a small person standing there, arms crossed and head hung a bit low. Addison shook her hair out of her face and looked up at me. Faintly smiling, she nodded her head.



"Okay...well I mean yes but you get the point...hopefully," She giggled. The change in her attitude shocked me, shocked us. John gave her a weirded out look and Sucre's jaw dropped. "In order to have visitations, I have to be stable. They don't let mentally ill prisoners have visits," She explained, like she knew what we were all wondering. Abruzzi smirked, I knew he was going to use it as bait. "Who would be visiting you? According to these two idiots, you've got no one outside these walls."

If I could smack him to the ground I would. She was doing so good, faking it, until he said something. "Well, I still have my brothers. We grew up, taught that the system is twisted and unorganized. You should know that better than anyone, John. Wouldn't you agree?" She stiffened but kept her brightened mood. Abruzzi crossed his arms and pouted. Well I don't wanna be petty but...

McCormick 1 - Abruzzi 0

Even though we weren't technically allowed to wear jewelry, I saw a ring on a necklace chain around her neck. Keep that in my notes, she's hanging on to something...someone other than her son.

someone other than her son

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A/N: sooo...hows it going? everyone liking everything so far?

im always, always (always) looking for any comments or questions pointed toward my original characters or any questions you have for them. i would love to start a series where i interrogate them with your comments, concerns, or questions!


you are beautiful
you are special
you are a gift to have

go give the world hell!

~ ali💜

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