Not Fair

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"Y/N.... Come 'ere and give us a kiss" John Shelby called to you across the crowded Garrison pub.

You walked over with your hips swaying and sat down on his lap. His hand resting on your round butt. His strong arms embrace you as you locked lips with your boyfriend of only 2 months.

You sat down beside him and all the Shelby clan not caring about your PDA.

Drinking 3 glasses of whiskey down in a row with Arthur, "Y/N, you can't drink me under the table.. I'm a fucking Peaky Blinder" Arthur says with a drunken slur.

"Yes I can and you know I can Arthur, how many times have we done this before and I beat you every time"

"That's 'cos I let you win Y/N, I have ulterior motives ya see" he says sending a wink in your direction.

"Arthur Shelby!!!! You weren't supposed yo let anyone know about me and you, John is here!!" you say jokingly.

Across the table from you is Tommy Shelby, his eyes focused on you and your flirtatiousness with both his brothers. He has a look that you can't read, so you don't bother even acknowledging him.

Instead you make a smart arse remark... "Maybe it's time for me to leave, my loves, Thomas doesn't look too happy with me intruding on the Shelby gathering." you throw a quick glance at Tommy, he's looking straight at you and holds your stare until you can't take it anymore and have to look away.

"I'm only joking I have to get back to work anyway." you say.
You kiss John one last time and head over to the bar.

"Sorry Harry, you know what they are like... I had to have a few or they would have been pestering me all night."

Closing time comes at 12.30 for the regulars. You can hear Harry shouting at everyone to clear out and "piss off home" you shake your head and laugh at the way Harry speaks to the customers, he's tired and sober and wants to go home.

"Go on Harry, the place is empty, I'll clear away the last few bits and close up".

As you're clearing away the last few glasses you hear footsteps behind you.

" Thomas.. I didn't realise anyone was here, why didn't you leave with John and Arthur? "

"Do you love him?? "

"I don't think I need to tell you how I feel about John.. How is that any of your buisness...."

Tommy walks around the bar and kisses you softly catching you off guard..

"That's why it's my buisness..."

He walks out of the Garrison, leaving you dumbfounded and honestly...wanting more.

"Tommy..Tommy that's not fair...."
You shout after him knowing he can hear you...

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