You Broke Me First.

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"I know you you're like this, when shit don't go your way you needed me to fix it..." You say to your husband Thomas.. Tears rolling down your face at the thought of your husband sleeping with the local barmaid Grace.

It had been two months since you walked out the door after finding them in your marital bed. You've been staying with your parents, they never agreed with the marriage. Their "I told you so's" are grating on your last nerve. Getting treated like a child and maid you've fallen right back into the role you had before you ran away with Thomas Shelby.

Everyday, there he is, knocking at the door, shouting for you to come out.
"Get the fuck off my property, you thug." shouts your father. He opens the front door with a shotgun pointed at your husbands chest.
This doesn't deter Tommy. He's there everyday.. begging you to come home.

Youre walking home from town one evening, you've been in a different pub and drowning your sorrows. A figure is standing at the end of the road, you know who it is immediately. It's your husband...
"Please Y/N it meant nothing, she means nothing to me. I can't live like this. You know who I am, and what I can do, don't push me, just come home. "

"Suddenly you're asking for it back, could you tell me where'd you get the nerve? You could say you miss all that we had, but I don't really care how bad it hurts... You broke me first.. You broke me first Thomas!" you spit at him, holding back the tears threatening to fall.

You run back to your family home and try shut the door on him, he's too strong and makes his way in behind you. Thank god your father is black out drunk in bed!! Walking calmly into the kitchen you grab a cup sitting on the table and launch it at Thomas' head. He dives to the ground and you pick up another one, aiming at his wider chest area... He dodges the cup and runs to the door.

You fall to the floor and let out 
a gut wrenching scream. You have never loved anyone like him, your heart still leaps when you see him even after all these years together. The thought of someone else getting to touch, kiss and make love to him makes you crazy.

Walking away from the house your holed up in, Thomas is crying angry tears.. He stops and let's out his own loud shout..

"I had fucking EVERYTHING".

He lands his fist into the brick wall beside him, shattering his knuckles and bleeding profusely. The pain was a slight distraction from his broken heart. He storms back to the Garrison and downs his sorrows in a bottle of Irish whiskey.


Two weeks later there's a banging at your door... "Y/N.. Let me fucking in girl, Y/N open up, you can't ignore us forever.
You open the door to Pol. You look disheveled, in need of a wash and like you haven't eaten in a few days. Your eyes are swollen and red rimmed.
" Jesus Christ Y/N" Pol says as she bursts in the door and heads for the kitchen. Your father respects Polly, he gets up and walks out the back door when he sees her. People know not to get on the wrong side of this strong woman.

"You have to stop living like this, let's get you washed, and dressed up. We're going for a drink. Come on. You can't let him do this to you."

"Pol how can I? How can I go there, She works there"
Your eyes focused on just above Pollys head, if you meet her eyes you may loose your composure.

"You're going, get ready.... Now!"


Walking into the Garrison, John comes over and pulls you into the biggest, warmest hug and kisses your head.
"He's a moron, want me to rough him up for ya?"
His grin is infectious and you let him lead you to a table in the corner. He goes back behind the bar and gets a bottle of whiskey and glasses, ignoring Grace completely.

Soon enough the whole family, except Tommy, is at the table, Arthur is telling you all about his latest conquest and boasting about how bad she wanted it. Typical Arthur, thinks he's God's gift to all women!!
There is many shots of vodka done, the liquid burning your throat and lips. Numbing the pain you feel. The whiskey is flowing, Arthur and John are like your own brothers. They dance with you, make you laugh and feel safe.

After many drinks, your worse for wear, the alcohol making you messy,
"Michael, walk her home, shes had enough for tonight" Polly says with a smile on her face, glad you came tonight. She really does care for you and you're like part of the family.

Walking down the street you are stumbling and singing at the top of your lungs. Michael grabs you and carries you down the road, bridal style. He brings you home with him, and carries you over the threshold.
He stumbles up the stairs under your weight, and he's had a lot to drink!!

Placing you on his bed, you grab his collar...
"Do you think I'm prettier than her Michael?"
"Are you serious? , your Tommy's girl, I'm not saying anything!"
"That's a no"
"It's not a no, you are so beautiful, and you didn't deserve this Y/N"
You reach up and grab Michael's hair, your eyes looking deep into his to read how he feels in this moment, your fingers twisting and pulling him to you, your lips meeting his. Small pecks on the lips quickly change to passionate kisses and your tongue on his. You stop, look at him, panting, and say....

"Don't say anything, just fuck me Michael. "

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2021 ⏰

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