| i am me

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you are you.

you are a girl
you are a dreadful, young girl
with many unwelcoming traits
unbeknownst to the world.

you are lonely
you are intimidating
you are impatient
you are judgemental
you are guilty
you are toxic
you are deceitful
you are selfish
you are clingy
you are paranoid
you are violent
you are suspicious
you are jealous
you are morbid
you are unloveable.

but you are still you.

you are a girl
you are an elated, young girl
with many glorious traits
unbeknownst to the world.

you are intelligent
you are honest
you are caring
you are beautiful
you are helpful
you are efficient
you are committed
you are respectful
you are passionate
you are reliable
you are ambitious
you are imaginative
you are humorous
you are powerful
you are loveable.

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