Chapter 5: The Sistermon

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Emilia turns red and Rex goes back to sleep and after processing what just happened her casket blows

"YOU IDIOT WAKE BACK UUUUUUUUUUUUP" she yells at the top of her lungs.

Gomamon seems visibly confused "what was wrong all he did was k-"

"That is sexual assault" she says cutting him off as Tentomon speaks

"It's only sexual assault if you don't consend and or like it" Emilia looks at him "so. Did you like it?" Emilia turns redder than before

She yells at Tentomon "I barely even know him the only reason I'd like him is if he was actually smart enough to not commit sexual assault" she gets up and starts to leave the small rest area she made and left Tentomon in charge as her and Gomamon try to further explore the area outside the swamp that they were now in.

"Look Emilia I got you didn't give consent and for some reason thats a big deal but when you look at it the way I am then it's just you being too embarrassed to admit you liked it" Emilia looks at Gomamon with a disappointed look

"How could you say such a thing to me of all people" she scoffs and huffs and puffs as someone approaches

"Hello" a lady in a very light pink nun outfit with white replacing the black and the light pink replacing the white, with a face on the pink headdress.

"Oh" Emilia says, being startled as the lady walks closer and speaks once more.

"My name is sistermon" the lady says calmly but then they both hear screaming and run towards it and they find an orphanage under siege with many small digimon running towards sistermon and two more sistermon look at the one Emilia just met

"Blanc" they both say looking almost Identical with minor detailing, one wearing a normal nun outfit which Blanc calls Noir and another wearing the same color scheme as Blanc but with cyan instead of pink which Blanc calls Ciel.

Noir continues "the orphanage is under siege" and Ciel further explains "a Tsukaimon got extremely upset all of a sudden and the midnight antibody became active and he started attacking the other digimon, luckily the midnight form hasn't activated so we're going to need your help sealing it before that happens' Blanc understands and heads to the orphanage with Emilia and Gomamon shortly behind. As they reach the orphanage all of the rookie Digimon are outside while you can hear an angered Digimon inside so the five o inside, once inside they see a purple guinea pig with white belly and purple bat wings for ears destroying the orphanage and this is tsukaimon.

"Ready sisters" Blanc asks the others while in sinc they respond

"Ready." as they hold hands and stand side by side and begin chanting

"Forever one we are bound, hear our voices, rest now child safe and sound" as they repeat numerous times but then the younger of the three Ciel bites her tongue and Tsukaimon becomes more enraged and starts to glows and transforms and becomes bigger then the building and breaks the roof as it is so enraged it digivolves and becomes bigger than the building as it becomes a long skinny grey creature with yellow claws dark pants with golden knee braces as well as spiky boots with sharp red wings, its face however is covered by a golden mask with devil horns, the sistermons jaws drop at the sight of

"NeoDevimon" blanc says as she pushes back Ciel and Noir out of the building she urges Emilia to come but she doesn't but her digivice glows as Gomamon starts to digivolve into Ikkakumon and attacks

"Harpoon Vulcan" it fires at rapid speed doing little to no damage just like with FlameWizardmon and so Emilia becomes more involved

"Ikkakumon pick up the tables with your horn and fire them at him" Ikkakumon does what he is instructed to and starts to fire the lunch tables that were everywhere due to Tsukaimons rampage and NeoDevimon is pushed against the wall as it is pinned by the tables and the back wall falls with NeoDevimons weight as he just gets back up without a scratch and starts to fire lasers at Ikkakumon and then Emilia

"EMILIA!!!!!"  Ikkakumon yells as he goes in front of her and falls as he de digivolves into Gomamon as the sistermons return and surround Emilia and Gomamon with a force as the lasers are still coming and they begin to chant

"This our power we share in vain, take as we deem worthy and draw a new name!" Gomamon starts to glow as well as Emilia's digivice turning white and then

"Ikkakumon digivolve to" he becomes furless with a green shell with spikes on his back with the only furr being on his head, left arm, feet, and tail with a strap across his torso with the horn remaining as well as bearing a hammer in his right arm this new digimon is "Zudomon"

"Vulcan's Hammer" he swings his hammer at NeoDevimon and puts him to the ground but gets launched up by a laser and so the sistermon use the rest of their power as all three begin to glow and

"Blanc" digitizes upwards

"Noir" follows afterward

"Ceil" finishes as the last to do so and they all say

"DNA Digivolve to" they become one and a large mechanical nun appears with two arge crosses by her side that have lazer gems in the center of them this is "MechaSistermon" and they start to bombard NeoDevimon with attacks along side Zudomon who they pick up and fire off their arm and hit NeoDevimons mask which begins to crack

"Thats it his mask is his weak spot keep going Zudomon" Emilia shouts to them and they keep going and then finally the mask falls and alongside it NeoDevimon and turns back to a digiegg and flys away.

"What just happened?" Emilia asks the sistermon who have gone back to normal with Blanc answering

"He lost to much energy and returned to the primary village where he will grow back into a rookie and then we will pick him up and bring him back but first" she looks at the orphanage and after a long day its repair and so Emilia returns back to the rest stop she made to find Rex and Tentomon... MISSING?!?

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