Chapter 8: set up

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After their short encounter with Kyupimon, Rex and Emilia were offered to be shown around Loren by LadyDevimon and Angewomon.

"Looks like it's time to see the sights," Gomamon says. As  Rex and Emilia begin to walk forward, Gomamon and Tentomon start to follow but are held back

"What's going on here" he says

"Tsk, tsk, tsk" LadyDevimon puts her finger on Gomamons mouth and explains "Rex and Emilia are in Loren right now they need to be, alone" she says beginning to grin as Gomamon seems even more confused so Tentomon explains in simpler words

"A boy, a girl, alone together in the city of love" he says with a french accent as Gomamon understands

"Why didn't you just say so, but Rex and Emilia have only known each other for a few days wouldn't it be weird" as Angewomon puts her finger on Gomamons mouth and explains

"Exactly, sweetie listen, you see we may rush things but we all know that this is the prime opportunity for them to get to know each other" she says confidently and so the four agree and make a plan, this is now, Operation: get to know each other.

After the Digimon make a plan they return to Rex and Emilia who are walking a foot or so apart on the same side walk, and strong winds are passing by even though it has not been windy that day, however they did not know that this was just Angewomon flapping her wings at extreme speeds, these winds are very strong and end up pushing Emilia to the floor just as the four planned.

We are back at the point where they were making the plan, where they discussed this first step

"Alright" Angewomon says to the others "here's out plan sweeties, I will flap my wings so fast that, that darling girl will fall to the floor and when she does Rex will kneel down and put out his hand for her, when she accepts he will then ask for a dance and they'll fall instantly in love" as Angewomon becomes lost in her thoughts we resume back to the present.

We see that Emilia is on the ground so Angewomon stops flapping as they all wait in anticipation and......

He walks away

"No worries" Angewomon says with hope in her eyes

"Time for my plan" LadyDevimon says beginning to grin once again, as Gomamon seems to be confused again they move on

The ground begins shaking and it opens up and Emilia starts to fall through, this is when Gomamon digivolves into Zudomon to save her and once the ground closes back and Gomamon returns to LadyDevimon and the others we see Angewomon comforting her

"Why did you save her?" LadyDevimon asks him while she is still being comforted

"Because she was in danger and because she is also-" he says being cut off

"The plan was to let Rex save her" Angewomon says as Gomamon tries to speak up once again but they have already started the next plan.

And so they tried plan, after plan, after plan and yet the two don't have a single interaction that implies any romance and so Angewomon confronts them directly

"Oh come on you two, we have been putting you both in the most cliche situations" Rex and Emilia look at Angewomon

"We know" he says while she nods her head as ¾ of the seem shocked except Gomamon

"I knew that but the real reason there was no chemistry between them is because Emilia is gay" Tentomon, LadyDevimon, and Angewomon are all surprised while the other three who knew

"Oh dear I am so sorry I shouldn't have assumed" Angewomon apologizes and they make up. After this they are now one step closer to finding doru village and escaping the digital world.

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