Chapter 11

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      Y/N kept her eyes closed not wanting to move but curiosity got the best of her. She opened her eyes to find herself in a house she had never set foot in but felt it to be familiar. She pulled away holding onto her cat as three dogs came up to sniff her and Unus while barking. "Chica?... Henry?... Spencer?..." she was glad Mochi was chill with dogs otherwise she'd have a problem.

    Y/N heard a warm voice call out "CHICA HENRY! What are you two idiots barking at-" Mark came in through his doorway stopping. "Ethan wha- who is this" he stopped at the door frame looking at his friend. She was afraid of the man in front of her and hid behind Unus, did he not know about Unus? or....Annus? 

     Unus cleared his throat going over to Mark and patting his shoulder "I need to talk to you let's go into another room" he instructed with a serious tone. They leave her all by herself with the dogs, having her body weaken from the attack she sat down on the couch rubbing her neck. "Hello there are you a new friend of Mark's? or Amy's?" a higher pitch voice came out making her look up to find Ethan coming over to the table petting all the dogs. 

     After everything that happen to her today she shook her head rubbing the tears from her eyes "Hey-whoa are you okay?" he asked worriedly sitting down next to her on the couch. She knew he noticed the marks left my Annus as she tried to hide them "That's a hard question to answer truthfully..." she laughed through tears. It was weird to see Ethan not as Unus now as she looked at him, what was he saying to Mark and how would she stay here?

    "I'm sorry I've just had a hard week" she pet Mochi in her lap listening to him purr, Ethan didn't know what to say so he pet the three dogs. She wished she could talk to him like how a fan would, if you would have told her that she would have met her favorite Youtubers in the next few days she would have fainted but now they were the last people she wanted to see. 

    Unus and Mark walked out and she let out a breath she was holding, Unus was a comfort to see but Mark on the other hand she wanted to run away. She could only see Annus in front of her, Unus walked over to her kissing her forehead while Ethan blinked in shock. "Unus we haven't seen you or Annus since the channel has started! What's going on?" he spat out. 

    'So they do know them, they must have made a deal of some sorts....' she thought as she leaned into Unus's touch. "We've had a mishap with Annus and I've asked Mark if my dear Y/N could stay for a few days so I can sort it out" he replied putting a hand on Ethan's shoulders. "wait you're leaving me? Leaving me with them?" she asked flabbergasted and held onto his suit scared he would leave. Unus nodded sadly "I have to fix this otherwise he will stop at nothing to kill you" he put a hand up to her cheek and she pulled away angered. 

   "I'm sorry Y/N you'll be in good hands while I'm gone for a few days, I promise I will be back for you and I will never break a promise to you" he whispered kissing her head again before going over to Mark nodding and disappearing into thin air. 

  The air was filled with awkward silence for a few moments before Mark cleared his throat "Ethan and I have to film a video today, I can show you your room and if you'd like you could watch us film" she nodded getting up letting her cat plop down to go mess with the dogs. She grabbed her things and was led upstairs to a room she hadn't seen them film in before. "I'll let you get situated but when you're ready come down to meet us'' She looked at him nodding as he gave a nervous smile before shutting the door. She heard him and Ethan talking about the situation as she sat down in the comfy bed tossing her bags to the side.

    "God FUCKING DAMMIT FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU" Y/N screamed into a pillow letting everything out, she sobbed as her chest hurt and her whole body on fire. She started slamming her fist down on the pillow letting her anger out. Punching Annus wasn't enough and for a second she wished he was here so she could do it again. After a few minutes of raging emotions Y/N panted out, why was it her she had this happen too? 

    "Fucking hell if it wasn't for Unus, Saelem would be alive, I wouldn't be hurting so much. Fucking....fuck" Y/N curled up into the abused pillow holding it close. "I know it's not your fault but s-shit why'd it have to be this w-way" she whispered. Her hands turned white gripping onto the fabric as she took deep breaths to calm down, she wanted her mom or dad right now or someone but no one was there to hold her. From the outside she could hear the two Youtuber's having fun so she sat up looking out the window to see them juggling eggs. 

   With some peace of mind she stood up somehow having energy and walked out of the room downstairs with the pillow; finding her way to the living room and going outside. They all stopped to look at the girl who looked like she went through a train wreck. Y/N waved them off to keep going as she sat down crossing her legs holding the comfort object close. They continued on making Y/N laugh somehow after everything she's been through. It was a different experience to watch them make the videos first hand before they edited, you could see how they truly acted and it was a nice change of pace.  

    Before Y/N knew it an egg was tossed her way and she caught it out of sudden instinct, she held it in her hands as Mark apologized profoundly. She held out her hand as he walked towards  her, not only because him being near made her fear for her life but she tossed the egg over to him. Mark caught it and she smiled slightly showing no ill will towards him because of his doppleganger. 

    She could get past this couldn't she? Right? 





Oh wow two chapters in one day? Special aren't y'all? Especially with that hot fanart I made in the span of 15 minutes.

You'll get over everything it just takes some time and care. If y'all have any questions about Unus and Annus knowing Mark and Ethan come chat with me. 


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