A Wandering Soul

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Inside the Cantina on Mos Eisley was the smell of heavy alcohol, the cheering and losses of Sabacc players losing their credits, and the many others who were talking amongst themselves about the news and drama that goes on in the galaxies and giving their opinion on it afterwards. That was the whole purpose of going to bars like these. Yet, out of the entire group who wasn't associated with any of these activities, was a brown cloaked man who was sitting in one of the empty booths in the far right corner and enjoying a fresh brew of Ale. He was taking a few sips at a time while writing down some notes in a journal before taking a small gander at the people surrounding him, even letting out a short smile afterwards.They were all enjoying themselves since the Galactic Empire had been defeated years before. Of course, every single planet wasn't going to stay good for long. He could imagine people disrupting the peace, perhaps remnants of the Empire still walk among them but lurk in the shadows, and whatever else the negativity could be throwing at a good thing. Sometimes he would aid in help, other times would be a short or long stroll through the town which he would then encounter someone needing some assistance. So far, none of that occurred for a while. Which he should probably take that stroll right about now. Before heading out, the cloaked man gave some credits to the Ithorian bartender who was even serving a few other species and adds that the 'Ale was indeed prepared perfectly.' He exited out of the bar, took one breath of the desert air and exhaled out. He had always gotten used to the town and it's people, even recognizing the same faces everyday and the same places all the time. In all honesty, it never got tiring to see. The man started to walk through the streets, watching people selling merchandise and exotic fruits from other planets to gain a bit of credits and even shady people in an alleyway trading something they may have stolen or gotten it from somewhere. As long as there's no trouble, then it's alright. What he did notice out of the blue was a couple of children pretending to be a Jedi while fighting the opposite team, the Siths. They used some wooden sticks to represent the lightsaber and some kitchen wares to represent the armor and began waving them around and attempting to hit each other. Though it ended abruptly sooner with one of them accidentally whacking the other beside the face, giving the child a painful red mark on the boy's cheek, "Well..." he sighs, "that must've been unpleasant." The cloaked figure just resumed walking, hearing the screams and cries explode behind him. He walked a couple more blocks ahead, wondering what other surprises would be brought upon him.

After turning to a corner, a path that led outside of the town was the vast sea of the sand and in the distance was a couple of Massiff dogs circling around something, "Dog's and their prey. Guess they found something to eat..." he shrugged and just kept on walking in another direction, not wanting to be their next meal on the menu. Suddenly, a wave of energy surges in his mind, hitting him out of nowhere. There were echoes of small whimpering and crying, almost like a plea for help. The man didn't know where those sounds came from since his eyes darted around and did not notice a single person or species looking like they were in trouble. Just then, the sounds stopped. He wasn't sure who that was, but he thought it was his mind playing tricks, so he moved them aside and resumed walking. After passing by two shops, the echoes of those cries came back again, increasing more and more until he realized that it was someone or something calling out to him for help. He decided to return to where the dogs were and saw the pack starting to attack their prey, trying to bite and paw at it. Whatever it was, the same cries can be heard again from in the middle of the ambush. The man shook his head and quickly ran across the sand. He saw an opening in between two of the Massiff's and slid right through, managing to kick one of them in the face and then throwing himself over their prey for protection. The creatures were taken aback by the unexpected appearance but it wasn't an issue for them. More people means more food for the hounds. The dogs started circling around the two. Snarling and baring their fangs to show intimidation. He chuckles before rising up to look at each of them in the eyes, "You all are pretty hungry, huh? Well...you may have to look elsewhere because we're certainly not on your plates tonight." They circled around for a couple more seconds until the pack lunged towards him. Then, a surrounding force of energy pushes the dogs, sending them into the air until they all land on their backs or heads first into the sand. They yelped and whined and decided to retreat into the sand dunes, looking to find food somewhere else on Tatooine. The man huffs in annoyance and looks down at what he was protecting but it ended up being some kitchenware to cook soups and meats with instead, "Are you serious? That's what this whole fuss was about????? Ugh...great!" he kicked the sand, irritated the result wasn't what he expected it to be, "But Oddly enough!!!! I used to have the same pan. Huh....weird. Well if the crying wasn't here.....then where was it fro-"

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