Best friends

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Juggie and I were at his trailer eating tacos and watching movies, "hey Juggie" "yeah Ronnie" he looked at me "w-why did you actually beat up Archie? And DON'T say it was because he cheated on me because I know that's not the only reason!" I asked he looked shocked "um- well Veronica you are my best friend and best friends help each other also he shouldn't have took advantage of you when you just had your dad out of jail, and your mom almost went in jail and than your weird half sister Hermosa came into your life, you were basically venerable in that moment so he should not have done that! And also a beautiful girl like you should not be treated like that" I smiled and blushed "you really think I'm beautiful" I started to tear up "Yeah Ronnie you are the most beautiful-gorgeous girl in the world especially more gorgeous than Betty" I smiled because most the people in my life told me I was to fat then I would get skinner and they say I'm to skinny so I would get fatter and the cycle kept going so I eventually developed a eating disorder and I started harming myself, but I didn't tell jug that I have a eating disorder yet soo I should probably do that now "hey Juggie" I said while moving closer to him "yeah Ronnie" "um- I have to tell you something" he looked at me concerned "what" he asked me coming closer "I have a eating disorder and I self harm" I was crying now he started tearing up but Juggie being him won't let a single tear fall he then hugged me "why?" He asked me "why what" I asked back "why do you have a eating disorder and why do you self harm" I separated us and I looked at him "all my horrible toxic relationships back in New York would tell me I'm to fat then I would get skinner then they would tell me I'm to skinny and the cycle kept going and going then I was diagnosed with bulimia and started cutting" he looked me dead in red eyes and said "where do you cut cause I've seen your wrist and there is nothing there so where?" "My thighs" I lifted up my skirt and showed him.

Jughead's POV

I saw a fresh cut on her leg I'm guessing she did it yesterday before she visited Archie, "Ronnie" I said to her she looked at me "I'm going to help you in every way I can, I'm going to help you stop cutting and to eat more, you are so skinny I don't know how I didn't see it." She started sobbing and I just put her on my lap and she buried her head in my neck she just cried...

Time- 7:00 pm

Veronica fell asleep on my lap her eyes were all puffy and had mascara stained cheeks but I just let her stay there and I eventually fell asleep.

Time- 8:00 am

Veronicas POV

I woke up in Juggie's lap in his living room at first I looked around because I didn't remember anything then I looked at jug and all the memories came back, Archie cheating on me, telling jug I cut and have a eating disorder and watching movies while eating tacos, I smile at those last memories oh and jughead almost killing Archie. I laughed and woke jug up "what time is it" he asked while he groaned "um 8:05" I said to him he looked at me I got up so we could eat and go to the bathroom I went to the bathroom and saw he had a razor blade out but I just went past it and went the the bathroom and washed my hands, when I came back out I saw that jug was making eggs and bacon I smiled "that smells delicious jug" I said and walked in and grabbed a price of bacon "oOo and taste delicious" I looked at him he smiled "but I'm not all that hungry so I'm only going to eat a couple pieces" his smiled dropped "Veronica" I looked at him confused "what it's more then I would normally eat I only normally eat on piece so it's progress" his smile went back up "okay I guess if it's progress" he said and went back to cooking.

Time- 3:00 pm

I finally went back to the Pembroke after me and jug all day were watching movies and him trying to get me to eat more, my parents are god who knows where on a business trip so I haves the Pembroke to myself for a while, I looked in my giant mirror in my room 'you look so fat Veronica' I said to myself "I know but I want to make progress and I'm doing this for jug" I said out loud to myself I sighed and started over thinking stuff like 'Archie cheated on you because you are too fat and Betty is super skinny' and 'Archie didn't really love you' or 'jug just feels bad for you that's why he's your friend' and I started crying I went to the bathroom and used my toothbrush and tried to gag myself so I would throw up all the food I ate today and then it happened I threw up after I sat against the glass shower and saw my razor that I use to cut on the counter I picked it up and put to slits on my thighs I winced at the pain but it made all the thoughts go away , I sighed and cleaned up my legs then looked in the mirror and saw all my makeup was still smeared on my face from yesterday I took a makeup wide from the drawer and cleaned it off then I went into my closet and got some sweats and one of jugs oversized t-shirts he let me have I put them on and sat on my bed and looked on my phone and saw that it was blowing up, and I looked and saw a video of Archie being chased by jug with the bat I laughed "oh god jug what is wrong with you" I said out loud then rubbed my face then I heard "I don't know what is wrong with me" from my bedroom door I looked over and saw jug there "why are you here, and how did you get in?" I asked he walked over to me and sat on the bed "I came because it's been a few hours and you didn't text me if you got home so I got worried and you gave me a key to your house remember" he held up a key I sighed "sorry I lost track of time" I looked down "it's okay I was just worried" we smiled "hey uh mind if I use your bathroom" he asked me I laughed and said "yeah yeah go ahead" he got up and went to the bathroom I went back on my phone then a little later heard the toilet flush and the sink turn on then a big sigh I looked up and saw him come out of the bathroom with my razor in his hand "Ronnie" he said worried.

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Our Fucked Up Life-vughead/jeronicaWhere stories live. Discover now