𝕮𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝕱𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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𝚍𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎 - 𝚜𝚘𝚎𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎

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𝚍𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚒𝚚𝚞𝚎 - 𝚜𝚘𝚎𝚞𝚛 𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚒𝚎

The van jolts to a stop. My eyes are burning from crying. The man in white sat opposite me grabs me by the leather restraints and hauls me to my feet.

The doors are flung open from the outside and the daylight comes flooding in. I have to squint until my eyes adjust. He grabs me and pulls me out faster than I can get my feet steady on the ground.

He hands me over to two men dressed in blue police uniforms. They grip my arms and I can feel their fingers digging into my skin. It's difficult to walk so I mostly get dragged along, the toes of my shoes scraping across the concrete.

As they haul me up the stairs, I see a woman standing in the doorway. A nun, arms crossed with a stern expression on her wrinkled face, a dirty blonde fringe peeking out from her habit.

She looks me right in the eyes and with that one glance I can already tell I'm not going to like it here.

Kit's POV

I watch from my cell window as a van arrives at the manor's entrance. It comes to a stop in front of the doors, the back flung open by two men in blue uniforms.

I squint to get a better look, and stare with anticipation for who they're going to bring out. Nothing ever happens, and this is the most interesting thing since I've been here.

I've already lost track of time, I can't remember how long I've been here, but it can't be more than a few months, though it feels like years.

I expect one of the guards to pull out a crazy-eyed and unkempt lunatic, but I'm surprised to see who steps out.

A young woman, her face raw from crying. Even through all that, I can see how beautiful she is. Long, mousy brown hair and captivating eyes - but even from here I can tell they're full of pain.

I wonder what someone like her did to end up in a place like this.

The click of my cell door interrupts my daydream. I slowly turn my head, finding myself unable to look away from her. Frank is standing in the doorway.

"Good news Mr. Walker," he says. I'm finally getting out of here. "You're out of solitary."

What did I expect? At least I'm going to somewhat of a better place. I tell myself.

Evie's POV

Another guard escorts me to a room, essentially pushes me in and slams the door behind me.

The same nun from outside stands at the desk shuffling through some papers.

'Ah,' she says seeing me and taking a seat, looking at me to do the same, 'you're Evelyn Montgomery.'

'Yes...' I say, sitting down in a worn wooden chair across from her desk.

'Sister Jude,' she introduces herself, 'you're insanity led you to overdose on sleeping pills,' she tuts.

'My insanity? I'm not crazy,' I say.

'That's what they all say. Hallucinations and mania - two of the most typical signs of acute clinical insanity.'

'Neither of those things are true,' I stammer out with indignance.

She sighs.

'Don't worry, we have a place for you here. Are you religious Miss Montgomery?'

'No,' I reply, crossing my arms and looking away.

'Well, while you're here you'll learn to live by God. And may I remind you that suicide is one of the highest forms of sin,' she glares at me, looking for me to respond but I just stare back at her.

She gives another sigh and shakes her head.

'No matter how far gone a patient is, at Briarcliff there's always a chance for anyone. We have revolutionary forms of treatment for all kinds of... ailments.'

When I still don't answer her she calls to the guards outside and the come through the door, standing with their hands clasped together at their hips.

'Electroshock therapy, first thing.'

'What?' I shout, standing up angrily, 'You can't do that-'

Then men come up behind me, wrapping their arms around my shoulders.

I struggle and manage to break free from the guard on my right but the other one just grabs me around my waist and no matter how hard I try I can't get away from them as they drag me down the hallway.

They lead me into another small room with a bed and grey, peeling walls.

The bed is clad in stained brown bedsheets with a thin pillow and a rusty metal frame. There are four leather shackles, two at the top and two at the foot.

The guards wrestle me down on to the bed, despite my cries of anguish and frustration. As they strap me in at my ankles, an old man dressed in a white jacket wheels in a cart with apparatus on.

One of the men takes a needle from the tray and pins down my arm as he injects the clear fluid into me. I flinch as it goes in, immediately starting to feel weaker and weaker the more I struggle.

By the time the doctor applies the cold gel to my temples, my limbs are too tired to move enough to fight against the shackles.

Another man in a suit, with slicked black hair and glasses stands in the corner of the room, watching as the doctor turns up the dial.

He walks over to the console and turns it down, scolding the doctor.

'The dosage is too high. This many volts is enough to cause brain damage, what are you doing?'

What kind of hospital is this?

The doctor doesn't say anything but leaves it, staring off the other man as he walks back to where he was before. He sighs and puts the headset to my temples, as one of the guards forces a wedge into my mouth.

When the doctor goes to turn on the machine, the other man in the suit mouths 'I'm sorry', to me. I don't know who he is but he's the first human I've met since I got here.

Then I hear the switch flick and brace myself.

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