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I arrived home I couldn't find grace in the living so I headed up stairs and spotted her in the guest room. I knocked on the side of the door even though it was wide open "hey" she said softly. "you got ready"
She was wearing a black dress and that was a little bit shorter than her knees, her hair was down and straightened which was beautiful. "yeah I didn't know when you wanted to go and since it's kinda late I thought dinner would be around this time y'know"
I smiled and nodded
"You look great" she gave those "oh thank you" eyes "thanks"
"Well then I'm going to change too" I closed the door and headed to my room I just wore a button up shirt with some black jeans nothing to complicated.

Then I started to wonder how am I suppose to tell her it's bugging me so much and I know I have to tell her before she finds out I should do it tonight....no not tonight because we are going on our first date so then she'll regret being my girlfriend.
I didn't realize the door was open a little bit and I saw grace poke her head in "sorry I wasn't sure if you...were you know...done" i smiled "it's okay"
Before I could go to the door she turned me around and said "why are you so glum chum" she chuckled I laughed but then my smile faded "nothing...let's just go"
I smiled to make it look like there was nothing wrong she smiled back

Grace's p.o.v
I was worried about Mario I didn't like seeing him angry or frustrated but he also look very confused and I didn't want to be nosey about it so I just kept my mouth shut.
The drive to the restaurant was very quiet but the restaurant wasn't far so i didn't mind being quiet the whole time.
"Alright we are here" Mario said getting out of the car to open the door to the passenger seat but I beat him to it and opened it just in time before he could. "Your fast" he said "no your just slow" I laughed jokingly. "Alright care to take my hand m'lady" he said gesturing his hand to let me hold his "no thanks m'man" we laughed "it doesn't work that way....m'man?...that sounds so weird" he said "well m'lady is just weird in general" I stated "alright, alright whatever" he said walking me in the restaurant
"Table for two" Mario said to the waiter

Mario and I just talked and ate our dinner when Mario said .....

YASSS cliffhanger O.o do t kill me please for not updating I'm just really lazy and busy....mostly lazy but don't worry I'm updating now so come down.*cough *cough stars_66 *cough *cough

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