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Jennifer's pov
Mats had left and I also decided to leave since it was getting late and my parents were probably wondering where I was.
I tried sleeping but it wouldn't work I kept thinking of mats and I know that sounds really mushy and lovey dovey but I'm serious he's really cute and I want to see him again. I hope he's not a player like you know how (Mario), I still can't believe that grace is still living with him it's weird he's a player and killer grace will see he's not what she thinks he is.

Grace's pov
I woke up the next morning sleeping on the couch I must have fell asleep watching t.v yesterday, typical me.
I got up and stretched and noticed Mario fast asleep beside me, I didn't even notice him.
I didn't want to wake him up he looked like an angel when he was asleep so i decided to just go out for coffee this morning.

I walked in the coffee shop and noticed a group of girls that I had seen from school....but they were giving me death stares the kind that you know they are talking crap about you. Which I just accepted the fact that every school had them and I'm not the only one until one of them came up to me with her beautiful blue eyes I wish I had.
"Hey...I'm Ashley your in my history class and I was wondering if you wanted to come join my friends and I for coffee" I didn't know what to say was this a trap or were they actually being nice to me, I didn't want to miss the opportunity and I didn't want to be rude so I politely said yes and said down with them.
We had the "get to know you" talk when one of the brunette girls said "so u heard your living with the druggy"
"Um....excuse me"
"You know who I'm talking about...Mario" she said in a whisper.
I sighed and said "he's...not...a...druggy,rapist,murderer or player everyone has to just accept the fact that he was never that and he will never be that"
"Says you have you heard that he killed his own parents....might kill you next watch out" she said laughing with the other girls.
"I have to leave" I said storming out of the coffee shop, I can't believe this what is there problem did he actually kill his parents......NO I can't listen to them they're liars......I can't listen to them.

O.o what do you think did Mario actually kill his parents or did they just die I. A car accident or something????

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