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Little: Bakugo
CG- Kaminari

During his years at UA, Bakugonlearned to control his temper, make friends, and reconnect with old ones. During this time, he also got a boyfriend, one Denki Kaminari. The 2 were a very physically affectionate, especially when 1 or both of them are in need of comfort.

This was exactly the type of moment they were in right now. Kaminari and Bakugo were cuddling, and Bakugo had fallen asleep with his head on Kaminari's chest.

Kami POV

I left Katski alone. If he'd fallen asleep, he clearly needed the rest. I messaged the rest of the Bakusquuad that we would have to back out of Mina's plans for today. I was just about to put my phone down and go to sleep myself when I heard a faint "Papa?" from the ash blonde next to me. I looked down at him, smiling softly, knowing by the distant look in his eyes that he was regressing.

"Hey baby, did you have a nice nap?" He nodded, eyes still unfocused. "Ok, when you're ready, can you tell Papa how old you are, please?" He nodded again as his eyes began focusing.

He looked up at me smiling adorably, and all that came out of his mouth was babbling. I knew that he wouldn't be able to answer me like this, so I sat up and set the small boy on my knee with his back to my chest. I opened the cabinet in the bed and pulled out a pull-up and a diaper. I rested my head on his shoulder. "Which do you want, Kat?"

He instantly made grabby hands at the diaper, indicating that he was around 6 months to a year old. I pulled his box of little gear out from under the bed, then I dug out Prince Explosion Murder (Kats' favourite teddy) and his yellow paci. I also dug out the changing mat and a bottle. After putting the pull-up away, I rolled out the changing mat and lay Kat down on it.

Bakugo POV

After having woken up while regressing, I realised I couldn't speak. I was about 18 months old and  kept falling faster. My regression finally slowed at about 6 months. Soon, Papa laid me down on the changing mat and put me in the diaper I had picked out. I felt so comfortable in ut and couldn't help my smile. Papa set me back on his knee and gave me my paci and P.E.M. I began babbling to my teddy about mine and Papas day before my nap, and then Papa put on Dora the Explorer.

Kami POV

Once I'd put on Dora, I kissed the boys forehead, saying, "Papas going to fix you a bottle, I'll be back in a jiffy." Kat looked up at me and nodded while still babbling to P.E.M and Dora. I walked down to the kitchen s and poured some milk into a bottle and put it in the microwave to warm up.

"How old is he?" Came the soft voice of Midoriya. I turned around to see Midoria  with Kirishima, his boyfriend and CG, higging him from behind. Both boys knew about Kat as they had a similar relationship dynamic to me and Kat.

"About 6 months old." I replied, smiling fondly at the recent memory of my happy little guy. The couple chuckled before moving aside to let me pass. I got back to Kats' room to see the still sleepy little curled up with P.E.M. on the floor.

"Hey baby, do you want feeding now or later?" Kats made slow grabby hands a the bottle. I picked up and sat on the bed with the blonde sitting across my lap. I slipped his paci puut of his mouth and raised the bottle to his lips.

Kat immediately latched on to the bottle and started to drink. I watched, careful not to tip the bottle too much, as Kats eyes started to droop again. Soon, the bottle fell from his mouth and he began softly snoring.

"Goodnight baby, I love you." I whispered, kissing his forehead as I cuddled him closer. Kat stirred enough to whisper. "Wuv you to Papa." Then he went back to sleep.

706 words

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