The Reality Dream

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A/N: I'm back with the second chapter! I know that the first one was short, but the ones following will be way longer.


Enjoy this chapter of The Cracks In Time!

I know I’m not a big fan of Rose Tyler, but this is unbelievable. Across from me, she’s sitting on a bench, staring at her phone with a worried expression on her face.

I snort at the sight. Gosh, I probably should have listened to my mom and came home earlier. I must have really overdone it with Claire last night during the marathon. I briefly close my eyes, waiting for this whole thing to disappear. But when I open them again, nothing’s changed. Rose is still on the bench, and I’m still standing on concrete.

“Ha, ha,” I laugh sarcastically to myself, staring up at the blue sky. I throw my arms up in the air, “Wake up!” At the sudden commotion, Rose looks up from her phone and turns around to stare directly at me. I slowly let my arms slump to my sides as my face turns bright red, noticing the look she’s giving me that clearly says: ‘What the hell are you doing?’ and ‘Do you mind?’ That look is quickly wiped from her face, though, as realization takes over. She grins widely and exclaims, “Ellie!”


I look over my shoulder to clarify whether she was talking to somebody else, but of course, nobody is there. So how does she know my name?

This should be impossible, I think to myself. God, what am I supposed to do?! There could still be a small chance that I’m still in bed dreaming about this, right?

I can feel Rose’s stare burning a hole through my back. “El, are you alright?”

I glance back over to her and then stare at the ground. “Yeah.”

She gives me a disbelieving look. “No really, something’s wrong, yeah? The look on your face, something’s seriously wrong.” She starts to stand up from the bench and I take a step back.

Panic overcomes me and I put my hands up in a way to prevent her from coming any closer. “No, stay there! Don’t come near me!”

She puts her hands up too, “What’s wrong?!”

I point at her, taking several more steps back. “You! How are you here? Wait - don’t answer that, stupid question. More importantly, how am I here?!”

She stares at me with worry and confusion, “What are you talking ab-”

Rose is suddenly cut off by somebody calling ‘Rose’ and apparently ‘Ellie’, and I swiftly turn around. My eyes widen and my jaw drops. That man is all too familiar. The same man who destroyed his own planet for the sake of the universe. The man who never stops running, saving world after world. The nine-hundred year old alien who travels through time and space in his little, blue, bigger-on-the-inside box called the TARDIS - next stop… everywhere.

What I don’t notice though, is that while I’m too busy caught up in my thoughts, the Doctor comes up to me, hugs me, and spins me around. He notices that I’m not hugging back, and gently puts me down. His grin falters a little, “Ellie?” The Doctor looks me in the eyes with his chocolate brown ones. I try my hardest to act calm, cool, and collected. Sadly and miserably, I was failing, and the battle with my inner fangirl was quickly coming to an end. I’m sure you can guess which side of me was victorious.

Oh my God, he’s so sexy! Hmm, that suit is so fitting… Look at his hair it’s all sticky-uppy! Ah, I love his hair. I love it, I love it, I love it! I wonder what it feels like… Is it as soft as it looks? If I could just run my hands through it…

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