Surprise Date Goes Wrong.

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Ships: Henriam, Drake

Requested by: Nobody! I came up with this!

Drew met up with Henry and Liam. "I don't know why I'm asking you two out of all people but I need help." The two jokesters stared at each other. "Alright. You can always count on us." Henry smirked. Liam snickered. Drew turned red. "Can you help me set up a surprise date?" He whispered. Henry and Liam burst into laughter. "Are you serious!?" Liam screamed in between laughter. "Ever since you found out Zoey was a gold digger and you broke up with her you've been lovestruck! Who's the unlucky guy?" Henry asked, clutching his side. "H-how did you know it was a guy?" Drew stuttered. Liam stopped bending over, still laughing and said "Oh! I see, you want to confess to Jake!" Henry almost fell over. "Stop!" Drew shouted and Henry stood up, shaking with laughter, "Ok, yes the date is for Jake. Can you help me set it up? I'll pay you?" Drew continued, narrowing his eyebrows. Liam nodded, smirking. "As we said, you can always count on us!" Henry put his arm around Liam, "Yup! The Jokesters at your service!" Liam laughed. "Ok. Let's just start you guys." Drew sighed, did he really have to choose these two.

They entered a dark room. "What is this place?" Liam asked. Drew fell down and screamed. Henry, who didn't see Drew fall, thought a ghost was in the room and it screamed at them so Henry jumped into Liam's arms. "H-Henry, get off." Liam stuttered, turned red. "Sorry, Liam." Henry whispered, standing up. Drew got up and lit a candle. "Let me guess, your going to confess over a candlelit dinner?!" Liam laughed, nudging Henry. Drew's face warmed up, he nodded angrily. "How romantic!" Henry laughed, making kissing noises which Liam copied. "How about that time you went to me about your crush on Liam, Henry? Hm?" Drew retorted. Henry stopped making noises immediately and his face turned red. Liam looked away. Drew smirked at them, setting the candle down on a now illuminated table. "Let's just set up." He grinned, looking at the two awkward faces avoiding the other.

10 minutes later, Henry and Liam were trying to set up some lights around the room on a ladder. "You know I'm scared of heights Liam!" Henry shouted, clinging onto the ladder with two hands. Liam sighed, "Your not strong enough to hold a ladder with me on it. Think again." Liam smirked. "Alright.." Henry's voice wobbled. He let go of the ladder and stood up, trying to tie the lights to the wall. Drew, who was setting the table in the middle of the room, got a loud notification on his phone which caused Henry to jump and fall off the ladder into Liam's arms. Again. Liam let go quickly, not knowing what jumped on him. "Ouch!" Henry shouted. "Sorry, Henry." Liam apologised, helping Henry up. "Your lucky that ladder isn't that high." He sighed. Henry was shaking. Drew groaned. "Why did I invite you crazy kids?" He complained. "You don't have any other friends, Drew. That's why." Henry laughed, his voice still shaky. Drew aimed a punch at Henry but he aimed too high and punched his hair. "Shortie." Drew laughed, still angry however. "I'll do the lights, you guys do the table." Drew sighed. Henry and Liam nodded and they switched places. Drew climbed up the ladder and started putting the lights up. He was caught in a whirlwind of thoughts about what would Jake think when it was broken by the two messing around. Or was it?

"Henry? Liam? Drew? Why did you invite me here, Drew?" Jake had entered the room. Drew turned red. He had invited Jake too early. "I-I U-Urm.." Drew stuttered. Henry and Liam laughed. "Drew's a simp! Jake, he wanted to make you a 'RoMaNtIc' date to confess!" Henry burst out which made Liam laugh harder. "Shut up!" Drew screamed, letting go of the ladder. He fell off the ladder exactly how Henry did, but sadly not into Jake's arms. He hit the floor with a loud bump. "Drew? You alright?" Jake asked, running to help him up. "Y-yeah. T-thanks." He replied, turning red. Henry and Liam started singing, "Jake and Drew sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!" They laughed. Drew launched himself at them, making the jokesters fall on top of each other.

The End.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2020 ⏰

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