7. Breaking Hearts

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Chapter 7: Breaking Hearts

"Bye." I whispered as I adjusted the way my face was placed on Coen's shoulder.

"Bye." He whispered back.

"Good luck." I smiled as I released him from my grip.

"Thanks. Have fun with Jo." He responded. The dreaded day had finally came. The day that Coen had to go back. "I'll see you soon, kay?" He told me, which was reassuring.

I nodded to him before checking out, "Bye. Call me when you get there." He gave me a kiss on my forehead then on my mouth and then he was off.

Once I couldn't fully see him anymore I walked to go get a taxi. Once I caught one I told them my address and they drove me back to my apartment.

I unlocked the doors and headed straight for my bathroom so I could finish getting ready. Today would be my first day back at work after break. I loved work but today I didn't want to go. I put minimal make up. Slipped on some nice pants and a blouse. For shoes I put on some black flats and put my hair up into a ponytail. On the way out I grabbed my bag and my jacket to put on top of my outfit so I wouldn't freeze. I walked a couple blocks down till I got to the subway station, I went underground and tried to find the train I usually took to work. I searched until I found that the next one left in five minutes, so I took a seat on one of the few benches. I sighed letting

out my breath that I could see since it was really cold outside.

I swung my legs a little bit and before I knew it some guy started singing and playing. I didn't know what song it was but it was good and he was really good, so I got up and put some change into his guitar case, he nodded at me to thank me while he was still in the middle of his song.

The train soon came and I hopped on with the about twenty other people. Once it was my turn to get off I walked out of the train and up the stairs to get out to the streets. As soon as I was out I took a right then a left and then I was at my office. I looked up, glancing at the big building before taking a breath and stepping in.
"Morning." I was greeted by a co-worker.

"Morning." I smiled as I waved to them. They were probably off to a meeting because he was walking in a fast pace. After I said my mornings to mostly everyone I got into the elevator and it brought me up to the fourth floor where my office was. My office was one of the first offices that you saw when you came up to the fourth floor. All the offices were surrounded with big glass windows and had cubicles in the middle.

I walked into my office with my picture of Coen, Taz and I still up on my desk. My office smelled as new as the first time I stepped in here.

After taking it all in and getting used to being back at work I got a knock on my door. I turned around to see Lena standing there, "Hey." She smiled as she stepped into my office. "Boss has a new assignment for you." She said as she handed me a few papers about what I was suppose to write about and some information on it, the rest I would have to figure out myself.

"Thanks." I smiled as i grabbed the papers from her hand and then walked around my desk and sat down in my seat. "So, how does it feel to be back from break?" I asked her as I sighed.

"Good." She responded as she came closer to my desk. "How about you?"

"It's good. It helps keep me busy." I shrugged my shoulders as I looked at the papers that my boss gave me.

"Well I've got to go, I have a meeting." She said as she pointed towards the door with her thumbs. "Sorry, I'll see you at lunch."

"Kay. Bye." I told her as I waved goodbye to her before starting my review on a new book that I started over break.

I finished as much of the review that I could before I had to continue reading the book. I got to chapter eleven before getting another knock on my door. I looked at the clock to see that it was only twelve and Lena got out of her meeting at twelve thirty. Maybe she got out early. "Come in." I shouted, allowing them entrance.

"Hey. Sorry to bother you, but is Jo here?" Zach asked me as he bursted through my doors.

"No.. Why?" I asked him, confused. "How did you even get up here?" I asked him.

"I got a visitors pass." He flashed his pass at me before continuing, "I need to talk to her."

"Didn't you guys talk the other day?" I asked him.

"Yeah, but we haven't fully talked everything out." He said as he stepped into my office even more.

"Well she's-" We were soon interrupted by Lena who walked in. We both turned to look at her.

"Sorry.." She whispered. "Am I interrupting anything?"

"Could you just give us a few minutes?" I asked, politely.

"Sure. I'll wait outside your office." With that Lena walked out and then it was just Zach and I again.

"She's back at home." I told him.
"I went there, she wasn't there." He told me.

"Well I have to go to lunch." I said as I got up. "Why don't you come and then afterwards we can go look for her because I have a long break today."

"Thank you, thank you." He pleaded as I walked beside him and got to Lena.

"Ready to go?" Lena asked me.

"Yeah." I said, "Oh is it okay if my friend Zach tags along?" I asked as we began to walk away. "It's just that I promised to help him with something later." I explained with a hopeful look on my face.

"Yeah, that's fine." She smiled before we headed towards the elevator. We got to the bottom floor before stepping out of the elevator and onto the streets. "Is Panera okay?" Lena asked Zach.

"Yeah." He responded, casually before he followed us to a Panera close by.

When we entered I could smell the bagels and soup waft in the air. The line wasn't too bad so it only took a couple minutes before it was our turn to order. I ordered the broccoli cheddar soup, Lena ordered the tomato and mozzarella panini and Zach got the cinnamon crunch bagel. "Is that seriously all your getting?" I asked Zach.

"What? I like it." He defended himself.

"Okay.." I said before I gave the cashier my credit card.

I got our receipt and then we waited for our food to come out.

When I came out Lena took the tray and we went to go sit in our usual seat. We added another chair since Zach was with us today. As soon as we were all seated we grabbed our food off the tray. Zach took the top half off his bagel and place it onto a napkin before beginning to eat his bottom half.

"So, you guys work together?" Zach asked as his mouth was filled with food.

"Yup." I told him as I looked over at Lena who was happily eating her food.

"I was there before Fay was there and we became friends." She explained.

"Yeah, because I used to not be good with socializing." I smiled, remembering how I used to be.

"Thats cool." Zach responded as he went for the top half of his bagel.

Just as Zach was about to ask us another question someone else walked through the doors of Panera. We turned our heads and saw Jo walking and laughing with Lucas, the boy from the party.

I quickly looked over at Zach and all I could see was a breaking heart.

This was all my fault, and there was no escaping it.

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