15. Paper Love

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Chapter 15: Paper Love

One Year Later

"Where do you want these boxes?" I asked Jo and Zach as I carried one of their many boxes into their apartment across from mine and Coens.

"In the guest room please." Jo directed me. I placed it down onto the ground and then went and grabbed another box.

Zach and Jo just got engaged a few months ago. They decided that they loved New York and I told them the apartment fro ours was for sale so they flew out here as soon as possible, bought it and now they were moving in ready to start their lives together.

It took awhile for use to get the boxes where they were suppose to go and taking everything out and rearranged but we did it. We treated ourselves with frozen yogurt which just opened across the street.

After we finished eating we hung out in their apartment. Just as we turned on the t.v. I got a call from Jona, "It's happening. She having the baby."

"What?!" I screamed. "We'll be right there!" I hung up before turning to everyone on the couch. "Lola's giving birth."

All of their eyes widened and we rushed out the door, into a taxi and on our way to the hospital. When we got there we waited in the waiting area until Jonas came out and got is.

We sat there for quite a long time until Jonas burst through the door looking for us. We got up and walked towards him. He lead us the room where Lola was. "He is with the doctors getting cleaned up but he'll be back soon." Jonas explained to us.

The doctors brought the new baby, wrapped in a blue towel and a blue cap on his head. They gently placed him into Lola's arms and she broke out in tears. "What's his name?" I asked as I leaned in to get a better look at him.

"Clayton." Lola announced.

"Welcome to the world buddy." I smiled at him. His nose and mouth were similar to Jonas's but he had Lola's hazel eyes. "Can I hold him?" I asked.

"Sure." Lola responded as i bent down and she placed him in my arms. Coen was behind me and gave him a kiss on the forehead making him squirm with joy.


"Are you excited?" Jo asked me as I was finishing up my makeup. "Today's the big day!"

"I'm nervous actually."

"Don't be." She assured me.

"You're right. I shouldn't have to be nervous. It's my wedding day."

"That's they way to think." Jo smiled as she finished up her makeup. SHe was wearing a silky fabric periwinkle blue dress that cinched in at the middle. Her hair was waved and down and her make up was subtle. So were the rest of my bridesmaids and Lola, who was my maid of honor. Zach was Coens best man since he didn't have any siblings. My dress was not the typical wedding dress. It was above the knee length and it flared out with a bow in the middle to cinch it in. My shoes were a little high but nothing scary. Afterall I wouldn't want to fall on my wedding day.

"Five more minute!" My mom yelled as she came in. Her eyes landed on me and she choked up a bit. "Oh, Fay. You look so beautiful."

"So do you." I smiled at her as I touched her dress.

"I can't believe my baby's getting married." A tear fell.

"Don't cry." I whispered.

"Sorry." She wiped the tears away and put a smile on before fluffing out my dress, giving me a kiss on my forehead and then leaving to get in place for the wedding.

My dad knocked a few minutes later asking, "Is everyone descent?"

"Yes!" I answered.

He walked in and the same thing that happened to my mom happen to my dad. "Ready to go?" he asked my as we hooked arms.

"Ready." I took a deep breath and then I was out of that door and on my way. Ansleigh was our designated flower girl and as she started to throw the rose petals down on the ground for me to walk through my throat tightened and I got butterflies in my stomach.

"Don't be nervous. Relax." My dad told me as I tensed up. "You love him. He loves you. You have nothing to be worried about."

"Thank you." I whispered back.

"Go get them." My dad said as we got to the end of the walkway. He planted a kiss on my cheek and I did the same for him. I walked up to Coen and the ceremony began.

"The bride and groom have prepared their own vows that they would like to exchange now." The wedding official announced.

Coen went first, "I remember Fay on the first day of highschool. She was in all of my core classes and we would always sit at the same table. She would never look at me and I would always be staring at her. I didn't know how to approach her so in our junior year I started sending her paper planes." He began, his eyes starting to tear up. "And then when I gave her the last paper plane I didn't think she would actually like me. I thought she would expect someone better. But to my surprise she wanted to be my girlfriend, I was happy but also nervous because I thought she was way cooler than I was." He laughed, making the others laugh too. "And then a few years later I proposed to her. Again not knowing her response and wondering if she had gotten sick of me. But she said yes." He smiled at me. "And here we are now. So I guess she still hasn't gotten tired of my sarcasm and stupid jokes. And I want it to be like that for the rest of our live." He continued, making me want to start crying. "I promise to take care for you in your hardest times. I promise to make you laugh everyday and make you feel loved. I promise to be there whenever you're in need or doubt. I promise to be the best version of me possible and treat you the way you should be treated." He said. "And most importantly I promise to love you unconditionally."

After Coen finished his vow my stomach turned, knowing that it was my time. I unfolded my vow that was slightly damp from being in my sweaty hands. I began to read, "I love you. You probably know that but I want you to make sure that you know that. And I promise to tell you that everyday. I promise to laugh at every single one of your jokes, no matter how bad they are." I laughed. "I promise to take care of you and be there for you when you need me the most. I promise to be the best version of me. I promise to do my best as a wife and a future mother." I continued. "I promise to love you unconditionally even in our hardest times." I looked into his eyes, they were watery and a tear rolled down his face. "There have been these times in our relationship when it felt like our love was growing paper thin. But then I would realized that my love for you was still there and it would always be, even when we're wrinkled and old, even after we die."


A/N: My second completed story/short story! Thank you guys so much for reading this series! It's officailly over! I'm not making a third book, sadly because I feel like this is the perfect place in their life to stop. I don't want to bore you guys and I think that I've written as much of their story that I want to write. Now it's up to your minds to decide what happens next!

This is sad but at the same time exciting becasue I can now work on other stories that I'm so excited to write about and all these new character's that you'll be able to meet!

Until next time,


The End <3

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