11. Rain and Rainbows

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Chapter 11: Rain and Rainbows

"What do you mean you're leaving again? I thought you said you could stay?" I cried.

"Coach wants me back." He whispered. "I'm so sorry, Fay."

"Can't you just stay?" I pleaded. "Is there some way?"

He shook his head. "I wish there was." He said. "You know I would love to be wherever you are every day if I could."

"But you can." I responded as tears started to form. I don't think people ever realize how hard it is to be away from someone that you love for so long and that you can only see them once every month when all you want to do is stay in their arms for the rest of your life.

"Fay, I know you're upset but there isn't anything I can do. Coaches rule." He came to sit down next to me.

"Ugh." I placed my wet cheeks into my hands. "I just miss you so much." I managed to say.

"So do I, but this is my dream job. A once in a lifetime job. I have to take it and hold onto it." He responded.

"How long will you be there?" I asked him.

"A few weeks." He whispered as he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear.

"That's a long time."

"But when I get back I won't have to leave until the summer." He said. I looked at him, wondering if he could actually promise me on that. "I promise." He followed.

"Pinky promise?" I asked him as i cocked my eyebrow and dried up my tears.

"Pinky promise." He responded.

We pinky promised and then got up off the couch. Coen wrapped his arm around my shoulder and we walked to the kitchen to make some dinner. "I'm still full from all those churros." I groaned.

"Should we just have soup then?" He asked me.

"Sure." I smiled. We walked to the freezer and grabbed two small containers on froze soup that we previously made it froze because we had too much. We defrosted the soup and then put it into a pot and cooked it until it was bubbling. Coen poured the soup into bowls and placed a spoon in each one. Then he carried his and I carried mine out to the dining table. We sat down across from each other and admired the city from the view from high up. "I'm sorry." Ispat out.

"For what?" He asked me as he looked up, confused.

"For being selfish." I replied as I blew on my soup

"When were you selfish?"

"When I didn't think of your dreams. I just thought of me and what would make me happy and not you happy. I shouldn't have."

"There's nothing wrong with wanting things in life."

"Yeah but what I wanted interfered with you dreams." I said.

"Hey." Coen said to me as he lifted my chin. "Soccer is just one of the many things that make me happy."

"What are the others then?"

"Movies, candy, popcorn, seatbelts." He began as I laughed.


"Well the clicking sound."

"You are so weird." I shook head and smiled. "Continue.."

"The snow, sunshine, the beach," He continued. "Oh, and you." He smiled childishly and I smiled back, not able to contain the amount of giddiness I was feeling.

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