No Three Ways About It

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(Author's Note: This story is based on a dream I had a couple of weeks ago. The dream really weirded me out, and writing it down is my way of processing it. Please don't judge.)

I snuggle in Billie's arms, gently kissing his lips as the last of the orgasm fades.

"That was good, wasn't it?" Billie asks softly as he strokes my hair. I just nod into his chest as I pull the sheets tighter around us. We cuddle for a moment before Billie speaks again.

Billie: "Should I get Tre?"

Me, sitting bolt upright: "WHAT?!"

Billie just smiles and bounces out of the bed, throwing on a bathrobe as he trots over to the bedroom door and opens it to reveal Tre standing just outside it, beaming. 

Tre: "Am I on time?"

Billie: "You're right on time."

Me: "What the hell is going on here?"

Billie: "Well, since you keep telling me about all those dreams you keep having about banging Tre, I decided to have a little chat with him and surprise you." I can't believe what I am hearing, but at the same time I am also noticing that Tre looks delicious, and suddenly I am wanting this to happen.

Tre, turning to me: "Hey, it's nothing to feel ashamed about. All women want me. Most men do too. But first, I need consent from all parties involved. Beej, you still OK with me banging your wife?"

Billie, grinning: "I am."

Tre: "Awesome. And most importantly, Y/n, are sure you want to do this?"

Me, suddenly working up some courage and more turned on than ever: "Absolutely."

Tre: "Great, let's get to it." He begins to undress as Billie rummages through the bedside table, ultimately pulling out a bag of Cheetos. 

Me: "You hid Cheetos in the nightstand?"

Tre, pulling his pants down: "You wouldn't believe some of the places I have found him hiding food."

Billie: "Hey, I need some snacks for this show, OK?"

Tre, now naked, slides into the bed next to me. He wraps his arms around me as I place a hand on the back of his head, pulling him into a deep kiss. His hands slide down my back and caress my ass as he pulls me close to him. I wrap my legs around him as he climbs on top of me, and soon he is inside me. I squeeze his ass with one hand while running the other through his hair, all while melting into the warmth and firmness of his embrace as our bodies move in perfect harmony. All the while, I am keenly aware of Billie standing off to the side eating the Cheetos and watching, and yet somehow this all seems completely normal. The pleasure continues to build, and soon Tre and I are writhing in each other's arms as we climax together. 

Billie, clapping: "See, I knew you two would have a great time."


Billie is collapsed in the bedsheets next to me, vibrating with laughter.

Me: "It's not funny!"

"Yes, it is," Billie chokes out before collapsing again. 

Me: "Why do you think all my embarrassing dreams are funny?"

Billie: "Because they are. And I just can't understand why you keep having sex dreams about Tre."

Me: "Hey, it's not like I asked for this. I feel awful about it." 

Billie: "Well, if you want Tre that bad, I can see what I can do--" I cut Billie off by punching him in the arm. Then he turns to me and smiles: "On second thought, I think I will keep you all to myself." 

Sugar, Spice, and Everything Nice: Cute and Smutty Green Day One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now