Chapter 9

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Saron was not charged with any crime, and he had fallen into Plak Tow by the time they arrived in Sector Four.  Stonn assured Spock that the younger Vulcan would be able to resolve the fever here, hopefully with the aid of Stonn’s mate.  His face had tensed significantly when he’d explained, but it couldn’t be helped.  If it would save Saron’s life, it would have to be done.  It was only logical.

They had also been given leave, a fortnight in the sector to do as they wanted.  Spock had allowed Jim some leeway, spending time on his own at the aquarium while the human did whatever he wished.  Vulcan had had no oceans.  Creatures of the sea were exotic, an unknown existence that still fascinated Spock, even after having all these years to acclimate himself to them.  Fins, gills, a complex skeletal structure – some even had lungs.  Spock could spend weeks in an aquarium if given the opportunity.

“Oh, Commander,” Sulu’s unmistakable voice greeted from his left.  Spock nodded his greeting.  “So this is where you were.  Is the captain with you?”

Spock watched a shark swim above him, gills flaring out.  “I’m afraid not.  He asked for some time on his own this leave,” he answered, finally turning to face the man. To his discontent, a Miss Gillian Hart was at his side, clutching his arm.  “You are endeavoring to engage Ensign Hart in emotional discourse?”

Sulu shook his head.  “Bumped into her here,” he replied.  “Figured I’d escort her around.  We call it chivalry.”

“Indeed,” Spock acknowledged.  His communicator buzzed.  “Spock here.”

“Hey, Spock,” Jim’s voice came through.  He sounded surprisingly excited.  “Reservations.  Seven.  The finest vegan fare in Sector Four.  Interested?”

“I have told you before, Jim, that you need not force yourself to consume vegetarian fare on my behalf if you would rather indulge in something more suitable to your palate while on leave,” he reminded him, a rather bright fish catching his eye.  “Where do you wish to rendezvous?”

“Main gate two,” Jim informed him.  “See you there at 6:50.”

“Acknowledged,” Spock closed his communicator, returning his attention to Sulu and his companion.  “Lieutenant Sulu, I do not fully comprehend the value in ‘chivalry’. Is it not somewhat antifeminist?”

“Not everything has to be feminist,” Hart informed him coolly.  “So, you have a date with the captain?”

Sulu chuckled.  “Miss Hart, they’re married.  Of course they go on dates,” he said, looking around.  A school of fish rushed past, flashing a white light towards them. Spock let himself admire the display.  “I think it’s pretty nice of the captain to think of your diet when picking out restaurants.  It’s thoughtful.”

Hart scoffed.  “You don’t realize how lucky you are, do you?” she asked Spock straight out.  Spock raised an eyebrow.  “You have the Captain Kirk all to yourself.  Do you have any idea how many women would kill for that?”

“I should hope they would not be willing to commit homicide for the purposes of procuring a romantic partner,” Spock said, folding his hands behind his back.  “That would be most illogical.”

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