A Pause

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??????'s Point of view
I looked around to see that the Illusion was broken. Finally. Now I can get to work.

I look around to see the memorial that was put up for Sabre. Can't believe they did that for him of all people. They should have done it to their own kind instead of a player.

I look around. This was where I was before I was put into the illusion. I had all of my memories through. Illusion Steve didn't bother messing with mine.

I walk to the town and see how much chaos there was. A lot of Steve were confused and panicked. The Overseer was there with Galaxy who was explaining what was going on as well as trying to calm everyone down.

So far it seems to be working with everyone calming down. It's strange to see the Steves happy. Too bad, it won't last. Making sure to stay hidden I make my way to where I'm sure Alex and Sabre are at. Maybe Illusion too.

They have already gotten to the town. Sabre seemed very busy trying to help the Steves with everything. Alex was too, but they aren't close to each other by the looks of it.

It takes me a while longer to find Illusion and Time. They were talking. I was too far away to hear what they were saying though. They were probably catching up with each other since they are brothers.

I smile slightly. No one knows where the sickness came from still. No one seems to know that the sickness was in Sabre either. As long as they don't know either this should lay out perfectly for me.

In a week I'll win.

Sabre's point of view
I already felt so tired. I haven't even done that much work. I was getting supplies for everyone and helping to rebuild the worn-down houses. Usually, I would be fine, this much work doesn't wear me down, but now I feel more tired than anything.

Once the Steves and Alex were out of my sight I leaned against a wall and sat down. Hopefully, I can take a few minutes to rest. I held my head in pain as strong pain went through my body. What is going on?

I need to figure this out before this gets worse. Before anyone starts to notice. If this is the sickness I'll just cause more panic to everyone else. The last thing they need now is to know the sickness still exists. I close my eyes for a few seconds as I try to relax.

"Sabre? Are you okay?" I heard a voice say. It too. Me a while to realize that it was the Overseer. I open my eyes and look at him.

"Yeah. I'm alright." I said smiling. I get back up. So much for a break Huh.

"Just wanted to make sure." He replies and smiles back.

"Is there anything else I need to do?"

"No of course not. Everyone else got everything set up. Most of the houses are repaired now and everyone has calmed down."

"Good. At least things can go back to normal now." I sighed remembering how I left... I don't know what's normal here.

"Sabre?" He asked slightly concerned.

"Sorry, just. Don't know what that is here..."

"Oh right. You left." I nod and look down.

"Yeah sorry..." He puts a hand on my shoulder and I flinch. It's just a reaction I have sometimes.

"It's okay Sabre. You wanted to leave and we didn't want to stop you. It's okay." I smile a little. I look up at the sky to see the sun was starting to set.

"I'm going to find the Guardian and make sure he is okay."

"Alright. I'll tell everyone else just so they know beforehand." Overseer leaves me alone and I wave goodbye before I go out to the plains. Once I was far enough away from the town I call out for the Guardian.

"Guardian! Guardian are you here!" I call out in the hope he will come over and talk to me. After a few seconds, lightning strikes in front of me, and I see the Guardian.

"What do you need Sabre?" He asked me.

"I just wanted to see how you were doing," I said honestly. He looks at me confused and nods.

"Everything is fine. All the spirits are alright and I made sure everything was the same."

"Good. Are you okay?" I wait for his response.

"I am alright. Thank you for asking though." I smile.

"That's good to hear." He nods and looks up. I look up too. The sky is getting darker.

"You should head back now Sabre."

"Alright. Bye Guardian."

"Goodbye Sabre." I start walking back and notice he hasn't left yet. I don't know why, but I won't question it.

When I got back to the town it was already dark. All the Steves were in the houses already. I probably should have asked the Overseer which house I was staying in. I didn't want to knock on every door and look through every window to find out where I was going to sleep.

I look around and found a cave that was near the town. I got down into the cave and laid against the wall striking up a torch so I could see.

I look through my supplies quickly and found a needle and white tread that I got earlier. Is smile and take out my chicken onesie.

I take my time to fix it. Making sure all tears were fixed and there weren't any other holes I missed.

Once I finished I looked at it proudly. Happy I was able to fix this I changed back into it. I kept the gloves on though. I'll probably just wear my chicken onesie at night from now on.

"Sabre! What are you doing here?!" I look over to see Galaxy. How did I not hear him coming?

"I didn't know which house I was going-" He cuts me off and I was dragged away from my Galaxy. I follow him and he leads me into a house.

The torches were burned out and there were four beds in here. One for Alex and Time. They were already asleep. One for Galaxy and by the looks of it there was one for me.

"Let's get some sleep okay?" Galaxy says. I nod and lay down in the bed near Time. Of course, our beds weren't next to each other. Same with Galaxy and Alex. I lay on my side my back away from Time Steve. I slowly relax and soon fall asleep.
(Words 1115)

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