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Chapter one


It was a wonderful sunny day, at least everyone would say that, except Toujou. The girl was standing at the train station, alone and all lost. She wondered how she ended up, being in such a place. Oh then she remembered. She had that briliant idea to move from her family to an another, unknown town, just to learn at that fancy, famous university, that she couldn't even pay. But for her luck, she had a rich uncle, who happily pay, so she can learn. So all she needed to do was find a job and live in her own, since she didn't accept him, to pay for everything. She was not that type of girl.

Toujou sighed, and gathered some courage, so she finally moved, however she had no idea where she could go. She had the adress to the apartmant where she will live, it was a cheap one, with one room,a small bathroom, and the living room and the kitchen was in the same place but it was totally fine for her. After all she was all alone. Finally. It was not like that she didn't like her family. She loves them, but they are sometimes just too much.

Luckily her backpage were not so heavy, since most of her things was already moved to the place - she regreted that she didn't want to go with her ather and uncle, but now she nothing could do, just find the place all alone. She took out her phone and typed the adress to the gps.

It was not so far away from the train station, but it looked like that the way was much more complicated, since when the gps show a way, there was no street, just walls. She sighed and angrily looked at her phone, trying to understand the way where she should go. Ahe was already here since 30 minutes, the apartman from the train station was only 10 minutes away.

"Are you lost, child?" Asked a deep male voice beside her. The male recognized that her glance to the gps and he was sure that the girl was lost.

"Um. Maybe." She said sheepisly, while she looked away.

"Let me see the adress." He took the phone from her hands, at least she was afraid that he is only some kind of robber, and will stole her phone, but after he took a look, he handled back to her. "Come, I live near of it." He said, then started to walk.

At first Toujou hesitated a bit. Following a stranger is kind of idiotic, but hey, she was an idiot, so after looking at his back for some second, she ran after him. The whole way was silent, the male won't ask for her anything, just walked while his hands was in his pocket, smoking. She walked beside her, tried to hold his pace, since he was much more taller than her. She took a view from the male, just cautuosly, so the man won't recognize it. He had dark hair and dark eyes, he was tall and slender. He wore a black shirt, and brown pants. He was kind of attractive, however she could tell that he was not so young. He should be in his 30' years.

"Are you new here? In the town." Asked the male suddenly, she jumped a bit.

"Yes...I'll learn in TOG, so I moved to the city, I don't really like to live in college or commute." she murmured. She mostly had a big mouth, but for some reason she was too shy at the momment. Maybe because she was in a new place and already embarassed, since she is so dumb that can't even find her new home.

"I can understand." he stopped for a momment, The girl looked at him curiously, but she stopped too. The male waited until no car was seen, then he started to walk across the road. Toujou for a second hesitated, but then she followed him. 

"It's not safe" she yelled after they reached the other side.

"Then why did you follow me?" 

The girl couldn't reply. She just huffed. She was the type of person who would never do any illegal thing, and now yet, she crossed the road, without any crosswalk, just because some stranger. She shivered and hoped that her mother wouldn't feel it. She had some kind of ability to feel wathever if her children do something stupid or illegal things. She wouldn't be surprise if her mother will scold her later because speaking with a stranger. However she was already 18 years old. 

"What's your name?" asked the man, she though for a second if she should tell him or not. But he already knows where she will live, so it wouldn't be a big deal. 

"Toujou. Toujou Hanabi." she replied, however the part of Hanabi, she just only murmured. She hated her first name so much. Most of her friends call her Toujou or simple 'Nabi. She wouldn't stand if someone call her Hanabi or Hana. 

"My name is Ha Jinsung. Nice to meet you miss Toujou. We will be neighboors." He then stopped in the front of a 4 floor building and turned to face her. 

Toujou just blinked for a few time, she looked up at the building, then at the man. At the end she forced a small smile to her face.

"Nice to meet you too, sir." 


When she entered her appartment heavy boxes greeted her. Being the messy girl she was, her mother organisated all boxes and wrote to them for her luck, then she know wich box she will find what she want. She put down her backpack and decided to unpack her clothes and things. Mostly she would have mood to pack after a long road, but she felt  uncomfortable with the empty room.  Or maybe it was, because she was fully at a new place, all alone, so she needed something to distract her mind. 

Two hours later she finally placed everything to it's place, however it was still not so homelike as she wanted to be. She decided that later she will boy some new decorations, of course after she will find a job first. 

It was already lunch time, and she started to be a bit hungry, but then she recognize that there was no food at home. She was about to go to the grocery, when suddenly her phone rang. Oh no, she forgot to text her mother that she arived. 

"Hi mom." she greeted. "Sorry I forgot to call you." a nervouos chuckle left her mouth, the female from the otherside sighed.

"No problem, swetty, however I was really worried for you!" her voice wasn't angry, but she still know that she would kill her with her glance right now. "How was your ride?" 

"Well, it was a bit boring." 

"Was everything okay?"  Toujou was thinking for a second. She really wouldn't tell her that she get lost then a stranger helped her, who turned out being her neighboor. However it didn't sound as bad as she first though. But it was her mother, who we were talking about. No way that she will let a silly thing like that go without any comment or scold. She was treating her like a 10yrs old. 

"Yes! I unpacked everything, now I was about to go to shopping."

"You still didn't eat?!" The woman's voice was panicking, she sighed.

"Mother, it's just half 2pm, of course I didn't! Don't worry so much for me. I'll be okey." Oh how badly she wanted to end the call and never again speak with her. She loved her mom a lot, but sometimes she was just too much with her overprotective atitude. It was annoying, however she just wanted to best for her. 

"Okay, honey. Just make sure that you ate something healty and vitaminize!" 

"Sure" she sighed, then hanged up the call. She grabbed her wallet, and walked out from the apartman, making sure that she lock the door. 

Of course this time she tried to memorize the way too, since she didn't want to lost again. For her luck there was also a grocery shop near her apartman, she wouldn't really go too far away from it. She had problem with memorizing things. She already was afraid from her first day at the university. She heard that it's quite big. What if she get lost and miss her very first classes? She brushed aside the though. It better not thinking about negative things. 

She put some ingrediments and food to the market-basket. They were not the healthy ones, but the cheap ones. She didn't want to make too much trouble for her parents. They don't have so much money, she also has 3 more siblings, one of them are just only 3 years old, and she didn't really want to took the money from them. They need it more afterall. She will find fast a job, so her parents won't need to suppert her with money. Being the oldest, it was her duty to make sure that the youngers get everything that they need. She knew well the feeling when you need to miss something. 

She went to the cashier and paid. She left the grocery shop with a hurry, she didn't know why, but it was one of her habbit. For some reason she always felt quilty when she left a shop, just like she was some kind of stealer. Even though she paid before for the items she bought. When she was enough away from the shop, she slowed her steps and took a deep breath. 

She really will need to find a job as fast as she can. 

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