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Time passed and she didn't even recognized that it was time to close the café. She had a lot of fun talking with the two boy, it looked like Khun had nothing other thing to do, because he was staying here also until Bam finished his work. 

Toujou helped Bam to close the café and clean it. However Bam first didn't want to let her do it, but she was too stubborn. Afterall she distacted him a lot with her questions. Even though it looked like Bam was used to it. 

Ha Jinsung left his office too, he was smoking. The girl glanced at the man, smoking was really unhealty, but she couldn't say it to him, since he was her employer. Maybe one day. 

"Oh, are you still here?" he blinked at the girl. 

"Yes, I wanted to watch Bam, while he was working." she blushed. It sounded a bit weird, but she tried to force a smile on her face to hide her embarassment. 

"Sure." he nodded, than he glanced at the blue haired boy, but nothing said. He was already used to, that that Khun kid was a lot of around Viole. They were friends after all, and he was okey with it, until the brown haired boy was happy. "Then let's leave." 

The four of them left the place. The male left last, he switched off the lights, then locked the door. The two boy said goodbye and left, Toujou couldn't decide that she should wait to the male but no, but he was hesitating so much, than he was already ready. 

"Let's go." he said, while he was walking. She jumped to the voice, but followed him. "I see that you are quite joy for the work." 

"Yes of course! I was trying to find a job since two weeks. My uncle already paid for my study, so I wanted to find a job to pay the apartmant and other things." 

"You don't have parents?" he glanced at her. She shook her head.

"I have three younger siblings, so I don't want them to spend money because of me. They need it more." She smiled a bit. The man noded. He was impressed how straightly she could talk about thinks like that. Others would be embarassed. Most of people didn't like to admit that they are poor. However she didn't said it neither, so he was not sure that it was because of it, or just she was really not a pampered chicken who use her parents. 

"And how do you like here?" He didn't either know why, but he wanted to talk more with her, maybe it was because of his lonelynes. The couple of last days, Viole was too busy to spend time with him. He was some kind of son for him. He liked to look after him, maybe because he didn't have a family from his own. 

"To tell the truth I didn't really hang around the town yet." she chuckle sheepishly. "I'm not the best when orientation cames, I was afraid that I'll get lost, or something..." 

"Yeah, I saw." he smirked, when he remembered how pathetic she was two weeks before, while she was standing there, gps on her phone, but still had no idea where she should go. Maybe she was never in a bigger city. 

"But it's nice here. I was a bit afraid, since I lived in a small town before, and just barely left it. But when I did I was never alone." she didn't want to admit, but that was the first time, when her parents left her to go somewhere in her own. Her mother was always so worried after her, she even always make sure that she report all of her move, when she was with Endorsi. It was quite annoying. But now she was free. Free and afraid, like a newborn bird. However her mother only let her left because of her uncle. Without him, she didn't even would let her to go to university, not to move in an another city at her own. 

Jinsung can't help, but smile. He didn't even recognize that they were already at the apartman. He looked up at the building. The girl was standing in front of him, she was stepping from her left leg to her right. Toujou was waiting for him to say anything or enter the building. It would be for a reason weird for her if she would be the one who say bye for him. It could be a bit rude, and she won't want that. 

"So. Good night I quess." said the male, after he recognize, that the girl was waiting for him. 

"Good night, sir." She replied, and turned around and immediately entered, just like she was waiting some kind of permission or order. 

She ran up on the stairs until the second floor, where her appartman were, and opened the door. She was glad that she finally was alone. It not like that she felt embarassed or flustered. Just it was strange, speaking with an adult, who she didn't really know. She sighed, and just now realized how hungry she was. So she grabed something from the frigde and make a quick meal.

After she ate, she decided to took a warm bath. She was so glad that there were a bath cub at the bathroom and not a shower. She loved bathing. Especially bubble baths. She remembered how much she played in the past when she was a kid. It was her favourite part of of the day. If she shouldn't feel it embarassing then she would do it still, she really had a childish atitude, even though she didn't want to admit, and she liked to look more mature, than she really was. She can't help but sigh at the though. 

How much she missed her little brothers and sisters. She missed her family so much, and she just realized in that momment. At the past of two week she was too busy trying to find a job, but now, when she finally found one, and after she had conversations from a very long time ago for the first, she started to realize how homesick she was. But all she could do it just laying on her bed, facing the pillow and crying herself into a deep dream. 

The next thing she remembered that something was ringing. The bell? No. Who should search her? She needed some minutes to realize that it was her phone. She hurridly grabbed it and looked at the screen. Mom. Nice, she always feel it, whonever she was sad. Why they need to have that kind of connection? Or that weird ability of her mother, she couldn't tell wich one it was. She always made her mother worry more because of it.

"Hallo?" she said, tried her best, so her voice didn't hiccup. 

"Hi, dear. Everything is okey?" And there it was. Her worried voice. She wanted to cry, but she hold it back.

"Yes it is!" she said as happily as she could. "I'm just a bit tired." 

"Oh. Did I just woke you up?"

"No." She lied. "I just now took a bath, and was about to go to sleep. 

"I see. You didn't call me for a while. Are you sure you are alright?" 

"Yes, I'm mom. I finally found a job too!" 

"I told you that you don't need to work...Just pay attention to your study." 

"No! I can do both. I want to help you. I don't know if I'll have money to send you too." She didn't want to admit, that she was so excited that she forget to ask about it. "But at least I want to make it sure that you don't need to pay for me!" 

"Oh you don't need to send us anything! Put it away, and save it." she said hurridly. "And I'm happy for you, however I don't really like the idea...Don't speak with strangers, okey?"

"I know, I know, don't worry." she sighed. 

"I now need to go." Toujou heard the crying in the background. It was one of her youngest brother." Take care of yourself! Good night!" 

"Good night, sleep well!" she said, then she heard that the call ended. She layed back to the bed with a sight. 

❝Your Heart ❞ [ Jinsung Ha x Oc ]Where stories live. Discover now