Mystery Boy

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(hey there readers, sorry this books kinda crappy, it's my first book, please try to ignore my horrible punctuation, that I was to lazy to fix... And enjoy, and please please no hate I get enough of that from my friends. )

The day started off pretty normal
Marco woke up at 6 am sharp,making sure do comb his hair perfectly, pick which one of his signature red hoodies he'd wear for the day.
Star ofcourse overslept till Marco barged in her room,

Marco it's 7:15 why are you yelling we won't be late, star replied with an annoying tone.

Buttt star I'm gonna miss my nod with j-jakkie!, he says while pulling the numb and tired princess out of her bed
FINE, star screamed

(Later that day in English period)
Star stares out side daydreaming... When suddenly the girl in front her floats upward... And who shows up in front of her but her ex-boyfriend, Tom.Star

I'm here to take you to the blood moon ball, Tom stated with a big smirk on his face.

Tom's pov
Okay Tom today's the day he says to himself pacing around his room.
Today I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna ask her... B-but what if she says no,
No she can't... Right?

(Tom was now facing himself in the mirror)
She's my last hope, I-I I need her to say yes he studdered out with tears filling his eyes
9:35, Tom left his room taking the carriage he built to earth... He put on his bravest face and went into the school with confidence ready to ask star.

No one pov
Star dragged Tom out of the school yelling at him to go back home.
From a distance Marco saw star... And who was that with her, he stoid still as his gaze met the red haired demons eyes, Mar o quickly snapped out of it running to star and karate chopped Tom's hand off.

Tom was about to blow a fuse, but when he saw star starting to panic he remembered what was on the line and got a grip of himself.

No no noo I'm fine see, Tom said in a nervous laugh. He gave a gentle smile at Marco, making the brunette boy blush.

Tom stared at Marco confused on what he just saw... It made his tummy do a little backflip, not noticing Marco and star were talking, as he was about to join the conversation, he heard Marco say star never go with a predictor to a second location, this made a smirk crawl onto Tom's face.

Tom quickly interrupted the brunette boy and told star to think about it as he handed her a bell and a warm smile, I hope I see you there he said, but his gaze made its way to Marco and not star, when he realized this he quickly got through the portal, now Marco was the confused one.

What was that... Marco murmered under breathe.
That was tom star said in a little annoyed but happy tone
Wait Tom Tom as in demon ex boyfriend.

I thought you guys like broke up and stuff-
We did star cut Marco off, but I mean we were good friends before we dated ya know....Maybe i should go.
What!, Marco yelled
Calm down Marco, it's just a ball I've been to hundreds of those.
Marco gave up not wanting to start an argument with her majesty.

Star was slipping into her outfit and getting ready, while arguing with her best friend about whether she should go. Star ended up winning the argument. Marco then stated fine but at least let me go with you, star looked at her concerned best friend with a mouth full of nachos... No, he asked me to come not you...

That's not what it looked like to me Marco whispered to himself remembering the way he smiled at Marco, Marcos face started to turn a bright red. Star was about to ring the bell when she turned to Marco, dropping the bell she ran to him are you okay worry filled her voice.

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