Death doesn't discriminate between the Sinners and Saints. (Pt. 2)

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Hey guys this is the second half for Hypothetical.  Watch the video and play the song. It's relevant. Enjoy guys I hope this kind of heals the hurt from the last part. :)


The last thirty years have been Hell, I think to myself as I try not to think about how cold it is. In one form or another something always seems to happen. Kinda like right now- the biting form of my thoughts mentions, trying to get a rise out of myself that I just don't have the energy for.


"Tony you have to leave this place!"

"NoOoo-" he slurred "YoU dOn't Un-sTand." Pepper sighed as she brought her hand up to her head. He'd been like this since Peter died. Inconsolable and he tried to drown himself so he wouldn't feel the guilt. At this rate she was ready to drag Rhodey to the tower and help her.

"Yes I do. He was my son too. I miss him! I'm sad! But I don't do this! He wouldn't want me to drink myself to death just to see him again!"

"I's not doin That." he muttered

"So what are you doing then?" She asked the anger draining out of her tone when she heard him.

"I can' fAce 'im Pep. I le- hIm diE. Ther's nofing I Could Do! I Can't curE CanCer! I cAn't SavE the PeoPle  oo maTer  mOsT! I shOuld'Ve tRadEd Him! MeEee. It sho've be me!" Tony cried as he broke down and sobbed on the floor.

Pepper knelt down by him. 

"I know how you feel Honey.  I do, But he's happy where he is. He's been such a light in our lives. You want him to remember you as his father? or this? I'll help you tonight but tomorrow. You clean up the bottles. And we take this one day at a time. Together. You can't be expected to cure cancer or save him from a monster like this. Take the time you've been given and Live! Live for him. So if we see him he's proud of you for being who he always knew you were." she said helping him into bed.

The next morning when Pepper came to the lab. True to her words. The bottles were gone.


 It's moments like these that give one time to reflect over their life, things they did they wish they hadn't (Perhaps Vice versa for most) People to tell goodbye to- etc. but not me. 

No, not me. I know who I am. I'm who he always thought I was. I'm proud of who my family has helped me become.

Most are anxious wondering what on earth awaits them after all of this. I can't bring myself to care at the moment. Not too much, my main concern is if he'll be there.  I can feel the feeling drain out of me.  My armor is good, I mean considering thirty years it should be. I was supposed to retire...I was already married. Richer than I'd ever need to be, and then we  had Morgan almost twenty years ago... I'm tired... The kids were more than capable of handling this. 


Tony and Pepper walked into a hospital for their doctor's visit. It had been almost ten years since they had lost peter and a few months ago they found out Pepper was expecting.

" Come on Tony. This isn't the end of the world." She smiled and he looked at her like it absolutely was.

"Are you sure?"

"It's a baby Tony! I'm pretty sure." she said as she rolled her eyes. The appointment went as planned and it was nearing it's close.

"Mr. and Mrs. Stark you have a healthy little baby." The nurse smiled. "Would you like to know the gender?" she asked as she looked at the parents.

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