chapter 8

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I didn't understand what was going on. I felt like I was dreaming, but I was awake. me, Bella, Alice and jasper got in one car. While the others took a different car, I needed answers but one said anything. I felt my phone ring, I looked down to see my dad calling.

"dad, I-" I got cut off by him

"Allison listen to me. Where are they taking you?" he asked in a hurry.

"Arizona. Tell him Arizona." Alice said. I wiped my tears away, "Arizona. We're going to Arizona." I said to him. "okay, good. we'll be there soon." he said.

"dad, what's going on?" I said, "Allison I'll explain everything. Just be safe, stay with Bella and the others." he said, he hung up. I looked down at phone then at the others. I felt calm for some reason.

"please? what's going on? why are we going to Arizona?" I asked them. Alice looked at jasper, he nodded at her. "Allison, to you believe in the supernatural? like vampires?" she asked me. vampires? I looked at them confuse, "vampires. you're joking right?" I said.

"Allison, we're vampires. The reason why we're going to Arizona is because a vampire name James is after you and Bella. James actually seen you before, when he smelled Bella, he caught your your scent in her and Thomas." she explain to me. "also Thomas was afraid that you would be scared of us, or him. he's been nothing but happy being with you Allison. We're all happy for you us." she said.

"We have." Bella spoke up, "I'm sorry I been a jerk to you." Bella apology. I gave her a smile, and held her hand. "but there's more why James is tracking us." she said. "more?" I said.

"What do you know about your family?" jasper asked me, "all I know is our last name means sliver, in French. Why?" I asked him. jasper takes sighs "your family are hunters, more like a big line of hunters. Carlisle has met a member of the Argent family through his years." he said as he watches the road. I sigh, of course it all makes sense now, "oh god, it makes sense now. Why my dad leaves at night, the weapons in our houses. The arrows, how could be so stupid?" I sniff.

"hey, you didn't know. its okay Allison." Bella tries to confront me. "wait you knew, the whole time you knew?" I asked her. She stares at me with sad eyes, "Edward knew, when the second I said your name, when you first came here. I'm so sorry." she said, "why didn't you say anything." I tell her, "I didn't want to get between you and your family." she said.

My family. They lie to me, my whole life. I still need answers. I need to know more about my family line. Alice answer my questions like how she knew James seen me before turns out she can see the future, that's why Thomas came to my house that day, why I saw the man. Edward can read minds, Jasper can sense people emotions. Also turns out Edward can't read Bella mind, he tells her that my mind is very tricky too, where he can read it but somethings he can't, makes him mad he can't read our minds. I fell asleep in the car, left like we were driving for driving. I thought about Thomas, how can trust him? why didn't he tell the truth? it makes me mad because well...I'm in love with him.

We finally made it phoenix Arizona. We checked in a hotel, Bella was on the phone with Edward, I can hear her say 'yea she's been quiet...yea I'll ask her." she walks up to me "Thomas wants to speak with you, seen you keep ignore his calls." she said holding her phone. I thought about, "no. I don't want to speak to him." I said. "she-" but gets out off by Edward. We hear Alice gasp. We go to her, "mirrors, I see mirrors." she kept saying, Bella remembers she took ballot when she was younger, from the drawing jasper sketched out. He knows we're here.

We gather our things and head out, Bella gets a call. As I try to call my parents, Bella pulls on my arm. "we have to go, James has my mom, and your mom." she said, I froze "what!?" I said, she pulls my arm. "we have to go get them. come on!" she said. We ditch the others, and grabbed at taxi, as we drive they I asked what she told Charlie, why she left?

"what did you tell Charlie? for leaving?" I asked. I notice she got quiet, "I told him the say thing my mom said to him, when she left him. You should've seen his face Allison, he looked so hurt." she choke on her words, "I'm sure he's going to forgive you." I make her feel better. we made it to the ballot place. Its dark inside, "mom!" we yell, we hear Bella's moms voice, "Bella, Bella!" I heard. We follow the voice to a closet with I video of Bella when she was little, its a trap.

We hear James chuckling, we turn to see him but only his reflection from the mirror, he moves away from the mirrors, "that's my favorite part. You're a stubborn child won't you. hmm?" he gets close to us, he pins us. "they not even here." I said.

"Argent. The family of hunters, tell me is your code still the same?" he asked me, code? what code? I looked at him confuse, he chuckles "you don't know. it goes like this 'nous chassons crux qui nous chassent' he said in French. "we hunt those who hunt us" I translate. "smart girl" he said, he grabs me by my throat and throws me across the floor, hitting my head hard. I see him throw Bella too, "BELLA!" I yell, I seen him come towards me, "I was going to eat you but turning you would be more fun, an Argent as a vampire. Now that's about to be fun." he said, he then breaks my arm. I scream in pain, he goes back to Bella, breaks her leg then bites her. Suddenly Edwards pushed him off her, I see Alice, jasper, Carlisle and Emmett and Thomas too, he sees the blood on my head, he calls Carlisle over, "she has a broken arm, but no bites that's good. We need to take them to hospital." he said, i could see Edward sucking out the venom out of Bella's wrist, then I blacked out, from the pain.

no ones pov

The argents arrive to Arizona they get a call from Carlisle saying the girls got hurt, they drive to the hospital their at. They see the Cullens at the hospital outside the girls room, Chris was anger then ever, "I told you to keep him away from our daughter, look what he did to her." he hiss at Carlisle. "We never would have hurt those girls." Esme spoke up. "that was never our intention." Carlisle said, Chris looks at them with an anger face. They walks away from them to see Allison. They see she's up, looking sad. Her mom runs up to her giving her a big hug follow by her dad too.

"im okay, hurt but okay." she said, "I need answers though." she said. Her parents looked quiet and at each other, "nous chassons crux qui nous chassent" she said in French. Her parents stared at her, "where did you hear that?" Chris said, "is that our code? you know because our family are hunter." she said. "yes. but right now we need you to get better, to go home." he said. Allison sent the last few weeks in the hospital. She finally return to forks, her arm in a casket. She and Bella were invite to the Cullens house for a talk, Allison had so interest of going but Bella instisted of going.

Everyone was there, all with a plank face. Thomas stared at Allison with sad eyes.

"I know you have question about us. Thomas didn't say anything because he wanted to protect you." Carlisle said. she smirk. "by lying. I found out my family is a line of hunters. now you guys are vampires,i-" she get up to leave but Thomas stops her.

"Allison wait. Please, trust me I didn't want to lie to you." he said.

with tears in her eyes, she looks at Thomas and the others. she stare at him again, "please stop, I don't think I can trust you again." she said, Thomas stare at her "Allison..." he said hurt, "don't...don't talk to me." she walks away from him. Thomas is left hurt, watching the girl of his dreams walking away. loosing her.

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