chapter 9

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I haven't spoken to Thomas or any of the cullens, since the attack. But I do talk to Bella, she keeps asking how I been since the attack, honest I been angry I couldn't protect myself. My parents told me about our family history, and what we do and what our code means. Our weapons, our skills how to fight, what happens if were are bitten by one, we must kill ourselves to honor the code, which sounds terrifying. Having to do that for the code, my parents explain why we moved here in the first place. Trying to find who's been behind the attacks, or bears attacks. Now they have figure it out, James and his coven. Bella said she met them when Edward took her with him for a family baseball game, Victoria, a red-hair vampire James mate, and Laurent a dark skin vampire with dreadlock hair. They're were the ones behind it all long.

Bella keeps asking if I'm still going to prom, since Thomas asked me out. But I wasn't feeling like going anymore, now that me and Thomas are done. I don't think I could see him, after lying to me about being a freaking vampire. Which Bella explain to me, they don't drink human blood, only animal blood. They call themselves vegetarians because of their diet, they can't walk in sun because they sparkle, like diamonds. They have a different body temp, from us. Explains Thomas cold skin. i wonder how's he been about the break up.

Its a few days before the prom, I get a call from Alice. I see the caller ID but I ignore it, I don't know if I can talk to them. after a few rings she must've gave up. But my phone rings again, annoyed again but this time its Bella.

"don't tell me Alice called you"


"she wants to know if I'm going to prom?"


"well its a no, I'm not up for it. but you have fun."

"Allison, I know these couple of days have been weird, I get it. But Thomas really misses you, and how sorry he is. Edward reads his mind, all he thinks about it's you. Give him a chance, everyone is sorry too."

They miss me. I kinda figure why they looked at me with mad faces because I'm an Argent.

"I-i don't know Bella, I think I need to be alone right now, but you should have fun. I'll be okay."

"ok, bye."

I sigh and looked around my room, I sat by the window just staring at the night sky. I keep beating myself for that being strong that day of the attack. I hear knock at the door, turn to see my mom.

"you look mad. what's wrong?" she asked me.

I got up, look at her straight in the eyes, "that day at the ballot room, I felt utterly weak. Like I needed someone to come in and rescue me, I hate that feeling! I want to be stronger than that. I want to feel powerful." I tell my mom. My mom stood there with a smirk. "I think I can help you with that." she said. I smile at her.

"I want to start my training be to a hunter." I said so much confidence. I want to learn to protect myself, incase things like that happens again. I know Bella is going to be against it, when she finds out. But its for my safety and for the ones I love to protect. "I think your training should start, I'll see what your father thinks but he'll agree." she stood upon and walked away. I sigh with a smile on my face.

It's the day of prom, I woke up with text message of Alice and Bella, each asking me if I'm sure I'm not going to prom. But I ignore them, so instead I thought I would have a me day, I put on my running shoes on. I went to the woods, to run. i put my headphones on ad ran. I think I ran for a good while, so I stopped. I stood there so a second, then felt tears coming out of my eyes. I dropped to my knees, I couldn't stop crying. I took a deep breath, "no Allison! don't cry, don't cry. I'm an Argent show no weakness." I said to myself. I ran back to the to shower as I reach my house I see someone I never thought I would see.


I took off my headphones. He stood there calmly.

"What are you doing here? shouldn't you be picking up my cousin for prom." I asked.

"Not for a couple of hours." He said.

"Okay, so then. Why are you here?" I asked again. He moves closer.

"We were scared of you being with Thomas. We all tried to keep him away from you but he wouldn't listen. What he feels about you is what I feel for Bella, being with someone that you feel so protective. He is really sorry Allison, he the reason he hasn't shown himself is, well he's been beating himself up, he blames himself because you got hurt. You should talk to him." He said, he slowly walks away. He stops then turns to me.

"We're all sorry too." He said. I watch drive off. I went inside and shower. I started thinking about what he said, I do miss Thomas. I groan just thinking about, "What do I do? What do I do? I should?" I walked back and forth. I sigh, then open my closet. I saw the dress my had bought when I told her I was going to prom. I stared at it for a long time. I grabbed it, place it on my bed. I saw the time, almost time for the prom to start.

So I put the dress on, did my makeup, hair. I went downstairs to my parents with smiles on their faces. I took my car, i made it to the prom. "Smile, Allison. Someone could be falling in love with you." I smile as I look in the mirror. I sigh and got out he car, made my way in. I see everyone, everyone with their dates. "Allison." I turn to Bella, she still has the leg brace on, but looked beautiful. "You made it!" she said, I smile. "I did." Edward nodded at me with smile, I nodded back. I see Thomas standing alone, he sees me. I gave him a smile, which he got surprise. We walked towards each other. When we reach faces to faces. We stared at each others eyes, I kiss him.

"why did you do that?" he asked.

"Because I love you" I said to him. We share another kiss, and slowdance.

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