Chapter 2

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           I woke up to my sister grumbling about how the house was filled with smoke. I looked around a realized what had happened. I lost control of my power. Again. I saw that luckily there wasn't to much damage. The bookshelves had a few burn makers and my sweatshirt was pretty much destroyed. Damn it. I actually liked that sweatshirt. I decided to get up off the couch. I saw my sister cleaning up so I decided I'd help her. I grabbed the Windex bottle and walked over to her.

"This is why you need to control your power more. If you want to be a hero you can't burn down the city."

She said while sighing. Maybe I won't be a hero.

"I know. It's just hard. You out of anybody should know this."

I replied. Nova just nodded and continued cleaning.

"It's finally done."

I said while plopping down on the couch.

"Nope. It's your turn to make dinner. I'll be in my room, call me down when you're done."

I got up and headed to the kitchen. Our parents were pretty big heroes and got quite a bit of money from it. My moms dream was to make everything marble with gold decals while my father wanted more wood cabin. My mom won in the end so our house is overly fancy.

I made some simple spaghetti and called Nova down. Like always she told me "terrible" it was and what I should do to fix it. She knows it gets under my skin so she keeps doing it every single time I cook.

"It's too cold, Blaise."

She said with a smirk. I wanted to beat the shit out of her but I wouldn't give her the satisfaction. I put on a forced smile and ignited some flames in my hands and heated up her bowl. When she touched it she burned herself and dropped the spaghetti.

"SHIT. Seriously Blaise? You're cleaning this up"

Nova said while she stomped to her room. I rolled my eyes and get ready to clean. Again.

I finished cleaning the spaghetti mess but wasn't ready to go to sleep. I looked at the clock. 11:00 pm. Great. I didn't feel tired so I decided I'd clean my parents room so they'd be pleased with me for once in their life. I got inside and couldn't believe what I saw.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2020 ⏰

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