24. My Take

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??? POV

I am now underwater, finding two floaties in the water was hard. It took much longer than I expected, but maybe after 30 minutes, I found them. After a few minutes of finding them, I used my psychic powers that The Great One gave me. Ketchup and Yvonne had a strong aura coming from them, they must be the right ones, Water and Fairy. But they had another aura coming from them. Whatever! I just need Water and Fairy. I used my psychic abilities to make a huge wave, knocking them off their floaties and separating them, leaving about 3 yards between them. I should get Fairy before Water. She'll be easier to bring down quickly. Then I'll get the boy! 

I swam up and over to where Yvonne was, I grabbed her ankle and pulled her underwater, Yvonne screamed, "ASH!" He's too far away though, by the time he looks underwater we'll be gone. I teleported to my base and left her there. I then swam back to Ketchup and waited for a little before grabbing him too. 

Ash's POV

Everything was black, but I could still here people around me. I could hear Serena and uh, another person. I don't know who though. It sounded like like Serena was arguing with this mysteriously guy...let's just call this guy X. Serena also sounded like she was crying, hmmm I wonder why. "Wh-who are you?! Where...where are we?!" I could feel the tension in the room, "Oh, you don't need to worry about that, you'll be leaving soon anyways," X said in a low voice. 

Just then I could see what was around me. Serena was tied up to a chair, glaring at X. I've never really ever seen Serena so angry. Wow. I looked over to my left and saw me and Serena's hat. X looked over to me and smiled, "Ah, so you noticed your hat wasn't on you dense head Ketchup, would you like it back?" 

I swear my face went red from anger, "IT'S KETCHUM NOT KETCHUP!" I screamed. It felt like I was knocked in the head with a bottle of ketchup. Serena giggled while X rolled his eyes, "Ketchup, Ketchum, ya di ya di da," He save while waving his hands around. He walked up to our hats and put them on our head, he then went over to Serena, "There, you guys may go now, I'll untie Yvonne first, she was a pleasure to have here." He untied Serena, then went over to me and untied me too. 

Once we got onto our feet, he snapped our fingers and we were on the beach. 

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