Chapter 3

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You wince at the feeling of blood splattering against your face. The doctor took a deep breath beside you, lowering his gun. This was your first time seeing someone die in person. It felt surreal. The two of you stood in an uncomfortable silence before the doctor reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a hankerciehff?? Hankerchief? (how the f*ck do you spell it) and handed it to you. You took it gratefully and wiped Mads's blood from your face.

"Help me pick up the body," The doctor requested. You did as you were told, walking over and lifting Mads's legs while the doctor took his shoulders. The body was heavy, really heavy. You'd been told in the past dead bodies were heavier than living ones, but damn was it strange to learn for yourself.

"What are you going to do with it?" You asked the doctor. He didn't answer, leading you to place the body carefully in the back of his car. It irked you to think even Hannibal was capable of cutting up and consuming his own doppelgänger.

"Dispose of it," He answered after a thoughtful pause.

"Dispose of it, sure," You repeated, wary.

"You'll mind not to back talk me,"

You blushed and nodded, climbing back into your car seat. Doctor Lecter drove in silence.

To say the Doctors home was extravagant would be downplaying it. Almost everything seemed to be either imported or specially made, real gold flickering in the hall lights as you made your way to your new room. Beside the room where you'd be living from now on was a door with a campus flag hanging on it. You placed down your bag in front of your own door before knocking on it. You were curious, rightfully so. You heard shuffling inside than the door opened inwards, a beautiful young girl looking a bit baffled to see you. After composing yourself you realized the most logical explanation would be that this was Abagail, Hannibal's adopted daughter. Could he have brought you simply to keep her company.

Maybe, maybe he planned for you to be her younger (brother/sister/sibling.)

"Hello?" She asked, confused. You realized, embarrassed, that you'd been staring.

"Uh yeah, I'm (y/n) it's nice to meet you," You offer, holding a hand out to her. She took it gently and shook, smiling.

"That's a nice name, did you pick it?"

Your face flushed darker. "Yeah, how'd you tell?"

She huffed. "I just could, I'm Abagail,"

You held yourself back from replying with, I know, aware it might make her uncomfortable. She dropped your hand and looked out of her room at your bag.

"Are you going to stay with us?"

"For awhile, yeah,"

"Cool," She opened her door wider. "We should try and get along then,"

You felt your heart stutter. "Y-yeah, we should,"

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