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{ Toris POV }

Fuck me of course I had to serve Erich and his friend, there are so many nicer restaurant's around the city but he had to come to this one. I take their order to the back and hang it up with the others waiting to be made.

I see Josh walk in, I hadn't seen him since my birthday he just disappeared that night. I wouldn't tell him but I forgot about him and I felt bad that I forgot he came with us until I saw him, right now. 

"Hey disappearing man" I teased " where have you been I texted you but no answer" I didn't text him but I didn't want him to think I didn't care. Okay I kind of didn't but he did come to my birthday for some odd reason so I could be nice for a little. 

"Ah sorry had an emergency and I never got a text" he exclaimed "Oh must of not gone through then" I quickly lied, he just raised his eye brows and walked away. What the fuck. 

I run out some food to another table and made sure they were doing okay, as I turn to walk back to the kitchen I lock eyes with the stalker himself. He winked then looked back at his friend. 

All his friends including him were hot as fuck. Where does he find these people. 

"Here is your steak with potatoes and your sliders with fries" I place their meal's down "Anything else" please say no and just let me go back to the back.

"Yes can I please get some ketchup" his friend smiled looking up at me, well more like straight. He was tall so by him sitting I was only an inch or two taller standing. I hate being fucking short. 

"Sure anything else" I dreadfully look over at Erich "No darling that will be all" he smirked making me roll my eyes and get the ketchup. 

I hand it to him and wait a second I see Erich look me up and down "Will that be all" I say slightly annoyed to be serving them. More Erich, no just Erich. 

"No, but for now I guess" Erich winked with a smirk. I flash a fake smile and walk away. 

This had felt like the longest night even though only 15 minutes had passed, I had to go check on them to make sure they were doing fine. I just wanted him to leave. 

"Everything okay still?" I see the guys empty plate so I pick it up clearing his space "Yes" he spoke so I walked away. 

"Hey uh Tori someone is asking for you up front" Olivia another waiter says peaking her head around the corner. Who could want to talk to me?

I walk to over to the front and see Emit standing there on his phone. "Emit?" I say and he looked up giving me a smile. 

"Tori sorry to bother you at work" he seemed nerves and fidgety "Oh no it's fine" I say looking out of the corner of my eyes to see Erich looking over at us. 

Total stalker if you ask me. 

"I really need your help with something could you maybe come to my place when you get off?"

"Um yeah sure, just send me your address" I shrugged, what could he possible need that he was nerves about. 

"Great see you then" he rushed out leaving me confused, why did he have to come to my work to ask me. He could have just texted me like a normal person. 

I turn and see Erich with a scold on his face, I roll my eyes and walk over. "All done?" please say yes. "What did Emit want" he sneered I look at his friend who looked at me confused. I scoffed "Why does it matter, it's not your business" I take his foodless plate. 

"Whatever" he mumbled "okay? would you like that check?" the guy nodded yes and I didn't take a second more to walk away. 

The place was empty mostly and Erich was gone, "Bye Josh, see you tomorrow" I wave and he gave me a wordless wave back. I rolled my eyes and walked out. 

I walked towards my car and saw someone leaning on it "Your definitely a stalker now. I'm flattered honestly but stop" I say bluntly and he stood up straight. 

"If I was a stalker you wouldn't know" he exclaimed with his hands in his pockets, it was very cold tonight. 

"Whatever. Hot friend where is he?" his jaw clenches "He had to leave so you have to drive me home". 

"Erich your supposed to be a tech genius thats what uber is for" I tease talking slow so he would understand. "Yeah but why pay for a ride when you could give me one for free" he explained. 

"One your a billion air, and two who said it would be free" I cross my arms "I could repay you" he smirked stepping closer to me. "Oh yeah how" I say in a low tone. What the fuck was wrong with me, why was I instigating the sexual tension wafting in the air. 

"I have one idea" our body's almost touching. You could see our breaths mixing together in the cold night air. 

"Like what" I click my tongue, he leaned in our faces only inches apart "Whatever you want" fuck why are my panties wet. Not good. 

I sigh moving to the side of him and walking to the driver side of the car "Get in stalker boy". 

As we drive to his fucking mansion I hum a soft tune to myself tapping my hands on the steering wheel. "Could you stop" he snapped "Why?" I scold "Cause it's fucking annoying". 

"Well I didn't have to drive your stalker ass home now did it" I exclaim rolling my eyes. 

I pull into his gated mansion coming to a stop "Do you want to come in" he smirked "For what?" I couldn't help but bite my lip, I had a feeling. The only question was, do I wanna take a chance?

"So I can repay you" his eyes staring deep into mine. "But how do I know this isn't a plan to kidnap me, you were stalking me" I say raising my eye brows. 

"I could tie you up if you want"          

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