Ch- f i f t e e n

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A/N~ holy fucking shit 1k! That's insane, thank you so much <3

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{ Toris POV }

Erich dragged me along with him with his arm around my waist waking at a paste to fast for me. I tried to not trip over myself and eat shit in front of all these people who looked really professional.

"The conference is at two so that's just enough time to get to the hotel and then head over" as man with a grey beard said as he straightened his blazer.

"Okay and what time will that shit end" Erich focused head still dragging me.

"That's up to you Erich" Matt adds in keeping up on the other side of me. He looked down at his arm the back up to me.

He had a scold on looking at Erich as if he just did the worst thing in the world. He rolled his eyes looking away.


I look back ahead to see the paparazzi swarming our way out of the airport. Fuck I really can't fall now.

"Erich over here, Erich!"

"Who is this!?, is it your girlfriend"

"Over here!"

"Keep your head down" Erich muttered in my ear as he did the same.

We get out to the car after fighting through the bright ass lights and people yelling for his attention.

"Erich running late have to go straight to the conference, hurry up let's go" the same old man snapped rushing us into the car.

"Are you okay?" He whispered in my ear as his hand cupped my inner thigh, I nodded yes giving him a half smile.

"Why the fuck was the car up front instead of on the strip" he spat making the old man sigh "The car couldn't get to our part of the strip" he shook his head.

Erich's a fucking ass hole to his I'm assuming team.

"Erich I don't see why it was a big deal" I mumble looking at him, I should have kept my mouth shut.

"It is Tori! If the car was were is was supposed to be we- you, would have had to go through all that fucking shit" he snapped running a hand through his hair.

Why would he care if I went through that. It wasn't even bad just people taking pictures, it happens when you with someone well known.

"It's fucking annoying and I don't want to put you through that-" I cut him off.

"Its okay really, plus not my first time with them you honestly get used to it" I shrug.

I kind of- not really, went out with Steven McQueen. I meet him at a club one night and we had a few hook ups and hung out a bit,got lunch a few times. That was last year and we haven't talked much since, it doesn't bother me though.

"How your not famous or anything" Erich scrunched his eyes brows narrowing his eyes at me.

"Yeah but that doesn't mean I can't hook up or hang out with famous people" I roll my eyes at his comment before. Dick.


"Steven McQueen" I shrug not making a big deal out of it. Since it's not.

"The guy from Vampire Diaries?" Matt chimed in having the same look as Erich. What the fuck was wrong with these boys.

"Yes, really nice and huge-" I stopped myself realizing I wasn't talking with Bri or anyone else but them for that matter.

"House" I blurt out trying to save myself, Erich was already going to fucking destroy me later so I don't want to dig a deeper hole.

"So you like famous people, are you just using me for my fame?" Erich sneered looking deep into my eyes.

I laugh and look around a bit "Erich, your the one that asked me to come with you. Are you sure your not using me for my body" I scold messing with him.

"And if I am"

"That's fine" I shrug making a smirk grow in his face.

"Wait are you too-"

We both turn towards Matt who's looking between us suspiciously. "Yeah kind of I guess" I look over at Erich who had a smug look on his face.

"Okay well- we're here"

"Okay you come with me and we'll see you later" an older women pulls me over to her.

Erich pulls my arm back making me fly back into him. He kissed me snaking his arm around my waist pulling me in more.

"Your coming with me"

"No, I think I'll go with her. She more my type" I tease sliding out of his grip.

"Good luck" I call not looking back.

My phone rings making people turn there eyes to me. I mutter an apology and look at my phone.

It was my mom, I sighed and declined it shoving my phone back in my pocket taking my seat in the front. I don't really know what this is all about I'm guess for his new app.

Which I also don't know anything about.

"I think he likes you which is as rare as strawberry turning out purple" she exclaims.

"But they don't-"


He doesn't like me. Right? No there's no way.

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