How about lunch?

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What's the point of having an alarm if I can NEVERRRRR wake up on time 😭😭 I'm about to be late for my lecture.

I run to take a shower, grab all my shit and head out. I'll worry about food after class.

I get to the class and the teacher wasn't there. God is good.

I looked up and nearly all the seats were taken. Damn. I took one of the empty seats next to some tall dude and this really pretty girl with split colored braids. As soon as I took a seat, the teacher walked in.

The teacher was a male, tall, fit,and  had a goatee that connected with his mustache if you know what I'm talking about. He looked like a brownskinned Bow Wow.

"Yo my fault class. I didn't mean to be late. I uh.. had to prove to the professor next door that he in fact, indeed, and most definitely.. had the entirely wrong one." He said putting his stuff down on his desk.

The class let out a small laugh.

"Aaaalright let's get down to business please open your textbooks to chapter 1.1" He said beginning the class.

The class went by pretty fast and I got some good notes. I gathered my stuff and was ready to walk out when someone tapped me.

"Do you remember what the homework is for the week?" It was the girl with split braids. She was taller than me- well really everyone is cause I'm lacking in the height department- but she was a good 5'9 at least.

"Oh yeah. Uh he said to read what we went over in class and be ready for a discussion or quiz." I told her

"Riiiiiiight thanks....?" She said waiting for my name.

"Maka" I said reaching out my hand for her to shake.

"The name's Rachel" she said shaking my hand.

"Hey Ray" the tall dude who was sitting next to me earlier said as he wrapped his arm around Rachel's shoulder. " Who's this?"

" This my new homegirl Maka" she said holding the hand he wrapped around her.

"Ah. I'm Marcus ." He said nodding at me .

Then my stomach decided to embarrass me and growl loud asffff.
I forgot I didn't eat this morning.

"Shiiiiiiyd I'm hungry too. Ray can we go eat now I'm tired of standing in this musty hallway" He whined.

"Fine" she said rolling her eyes and giggling. " You wanna come with us? There's a spot we always go to hang out for lunch"

"Sure." I said not really having a choice and already embarrassing myself enough.

"Bettttt let's get outta hereee! IM DRIVING RAY AND ION WANNA HEAR IT" Marcus yelled  taking off towards the parking lot. How did he descend the flights of stairs so fast- NVM.


I guess I'm carpooling? My gas tank do be a lil empty tho... I need to fill up on my way home. But first I'm filling this belly.

When we were all in the car Marcus connected his phone and started playing music.

" Maka I'm telling you now this nigga can't drive. So buckle up and get yo prayers up." Rachel said before turning back forward. " These airbags still work right?"
" Ray shudddddup. I KNOW how to drive aight. I got this ." Marcus said turning to me and patting his chest. "Y'all got NO faith in a brotha"

" To be fair.... I met you bout 5 minutes ago" I said shrugging.

"To be fairrrr... I met you bout five years ago. And I STILLLL don't trust you." Ray said laughing

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