Oh... Good Morning

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Makas POV

I woke up and went downstairs to see a beautiful looking breakfast on the table in the living room. The couch was set up so that I could eat and watch tv or lay down at the same time. The food looked GOOOOD. I don't know who cooked it but P R O P S to them! I needed to use the restroom so I ran back to my room. I don't know why I didn't use the one closer to where I was but 🤷🏾‍♀️🤷🏾‍♀️ I need to pee.

I ran past my bed and attempted to jump over my shoes that were on the floor but I tripped over one and somehow spun around and fell side ways....

I was on the floor by the foot of my bed half wrapped in a blanket. Oh. It was just a dream. AW MANNN that food looked so good😭 wait.... I still need to pee. I dragged myself off of the floor and made my bed. I used the bathroom and when I was washing my hands I looked in the mirror. Girl you look a MESSSSS 💀 Then I realized I wasn't in PJ's.
Then it all came back.
I took a shower and brushed my teeth.
All I remember is tripping on NOTHING like them girls in horror movies and then Marcus wanted to drive me home. I slipped on a hoodie and came out of the bathroom.
I normally walk around the house in a hoodie and underwear or biker shorts to be comfy. I looked at the clock on my dresser. It was 4:57 am. I'm up early ASF. 

To be honest I'm going back to sleep. I looked around my room for my bonnet. It wasn't in my room. I searched  again but then I remembered I left it on the couch when I ran out of the house the other day.

I put on my slippers and walked into my living room. When I looked outside I saw that the streets were a bit flooded. It must've rained pretty bad last night. And I slept through it. 💀💀💀 I came up behind the couch and grabbed the blue piece of fabric. It felt weird so I looked at it. It was my mini towel 🤦🏾‍♀️ I put it in my hoodie pocket so I could put it back and looked up.
I saw a big figure laying on my couch silently. Mind you it was 4 am and not very bright especially since it rained. So I screamed. Not at all smart. And not at all quiet.
The figure flinched at the noise and arose slowly.
"Yo... what the hell?" A husky voice said.
I ran to turn on the lights so I could at least see before I was killed or robbed.

"Oh shit... Marcus?" I asked recognizing the braided man bun.
"Hm? Oh... Good Morning mama" he said rubbing his eyes, his voice low and tired.
"Good... morning I said pulling my hoodie down and cursing myself for not wearing biker shorts or regular shorts at least.

Marcus' eyes opened and it seemed like he was finally starting to wake up.
"Oh shit." He said actually getting a good look at me. "Uhhh my bad" he turned his head away.
"Sorry I- I didn't know any one would be here. Hence the scream. Uh... L- let me go get changed real quick" I stuttered running out of the room.
I jumped into some sweat pants that matched my beige hoodie and went back to the living room.

"Heyyyy we're twins" Marcus chuckled, still a bit drowsy.
"Huh? Oh yea we are." I responded noticing that he took off his black jacket from yesterday and had on a tight beige turtleneck that hugged his muscles.

An awkward silence fell. Marcus sat on the couch he was sleeping on with his hands holding eachother and I was just... standing there. 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️

Then he shifted.
"C'mere" he said beckoning me with his two fingers.
"...huh?" I said uneasily because that sleepy voice was doing something to me and I didn't really trust this situation.
"I said come here. Sorry did I stutter? I do that sometimes." He said with a light chuckle. It wasn't rude but more playful. This time he beckoned with both arms open.

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