The Confused And Clueless

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Hewwo again, peeps, welcome back to this garbage, I decided to make two chapters in a row bc I owe you it, its the least I can do since I've been away from wattpad for a little while. I hope you enjoy, now I'm going to sleep, gn, have a guud night, adios mi gatitos~ ♡♡

                          •~Jessee's POV~•

What I plan on doing as soon as I spot her will possibly make things better or worse. The minute I saw Sylvie's face, I rushed towards her, grabbed her by the waist, and pinned her to the nearest wall, moving my lips towards her ear to say something. I then whispered in her ear, a flirty but strained tone to show my jealously, "Tell me how you feel about Viana.", I say it as if my throat isn't knotted enough with the constant fear of hearing "No, eww, get away from me you lesbian freak" or "Uh, no, gross, who would like you? You'd be too white to see, albino freak." I continue saying, in a different tone of voice somehow, what I need to get off my chest, thinking I may lose her as a friend or point blank lose my fighting chance that's still somewhat here, "I like you, no, love you and always loved you since a young child, I'm not here to guilt trick you. I just wanna know if you had ever even once felt the same way I do, like if you get butterflies in your stomach when near me or if when your near me a part of you wants to run away in fear of your feelings being obvious, just any sign that I stand a chance with you." Sylvie blushed really brightly, her cheeks redder than the cherry tree that stands alone outside, she began staring down at the ground as if she was figuring out and remembering an old science term needed to answer a question on a quiz, that's a lot of words, ugh, my throat.

After a good five minutes, she says, sounding somewhat scared and timid, "U-Uhm, I-I don't kn-know, I-I need s-some time t-to, u-uh, s-some time t-to f-figure out wh-who my h-heart likes m-more, o-or well, u-uh, l-loves more, I-I'm sorry.........", I look at her with faint smile, knowing I stand a chance calms me in a way. I reply, a big smile on my face, "It's okay, thanks for being honest and stating it in a nicer way than my past "crushes". See you at lunch if you're not upset with me, bye, lovely." I wave my hand in the air, she waves back as I was walking towards the direction of my next class. Speaking of science earlier, I actually have science now, fuck, why'd I miss the nice class?

When I arrive to Mrs. Humblregg, I walk in to a sweet-but-creepy-strained-smile woman who is actually nicer than she looks right now. "Why're you late, Miss Ravigald?", she asks in a teeth-gritted, angryish tone of voice, boy is she scary, right about now I'd be running. But you see, she's the type of teacher that waits right in front of the door to make sure her students can't run from her if she scares them in any way, pretty difficult to escape when they grab the back of your shirt, why is this even allowed? I reply with a simple, cheery tone, "I was just taking care of business, thanks for asking, madam.", I swear my face was a little red, I felt it, ugh. Mrs. Humblregg said in a teasy tone, "Okay~, you can sit now child, hope it worked out~", I walk past her when she backed up, going towards my seat. 'I think I heard her mumble about being the best teacher ever or something when passing her, but I don't know, it could be my mind tricking me again..', I thought as I sat down, taking my pencil out from behind my ear where it could just hide forever, I should probably focus now.

•~Bell Rings~•

Well, there's the bell that signifies sweet-sweet lunch time, aka, time to see my possible future wife, maybe some kids. I grab my school stuff, shoving it in my backpack, I think I ripped one of the loose-leafed papers I needed for this project in which I am to work with the random person behind me on, his name being Ryder Dillan Smiths. He has blue hair though, he must be a rare species, interesting. When I, as always, left after all the others, I got up, pushed in my chair for some reason, and walked out, of course I said bye to Mrs. Humblregg though, she's too nice to not get a wave.

As I was walking down the halls to get to me and Sylvie's usual lunch spot, I noticed a blue-haired boy to her right, is that Ryder or am I just assuming? I walked up to them, giving Sylv a hug and greeting with a big smile, imma ask her......................

•~To be continued~•

Hello, how was it? I hope you enjoyed and are satisfied, I did two chapters in, like, two days, I'm now very sleep-deprived. Imma go sleep all day, its needed and required if you want more chapters of this story, so patience is key. Well, bye and have a guud day, adios mi gatitos~ ♡♡

Sylviana The Wolf Lover {GirlxGirl} {Very Slow Updates, Sorry}Where stories live. Discover now