Kazuichi Souda x m!r

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y/n's pov

"God, I'm so tired.." I say, sighing, as I look down at my old, worn shoes. I throw my hoodie over my head and walk out. It's breakfast time anyways. I walk out to find Fuyuhiko, since he's my closest friend here. He says he doesn't like anyone on this island, but he still hangs out with me. Tsundere ass. I walk out, shivering as soon as I feel the cold air on my face and hands. Fuyu's probably around Jabberwock Park somewhere. He always sits there. Probably because there's nobody there. I'll go look for him.

-at the park-
"WAAH! Hey, don't sneak up on me like that, bastard!" "Sorry baby gangsta. I wasn't tryi-" "DON'T FUCKING CALL ME THAT" "Okay, okay! So, you coming? Teru's making pancakes for breakfast" "..yeah"

We're at the restaurant now. "Fuck, it smells good" Fuyuhiko whispers. "Oh hey Teruteru" I say, as the little man walks up to us. "Nah, fuck this. Bye" Fuyuhiko? Is he really leaving me here with Hanamura?
"Hey y/n~" "...I'm gonna eat now" I say as I rush towards the only empty spot left at the tables. It's next to Kazuichi and Gundham. Why are they sitting across from each other? I thought they hated each other. "Good morning, Y/N. I see you have finally arrived to the feast" "Yeah! Hey Gunder" He hates it when I call him that. "Hey" Kazuichi says, poking at his food sadly. "What's up with him?" I ask Gundham, gesturing at Kazuichi with my head. "I do not know, nor do I care" Welp. "Hey Kaz. You okay?" "Hm? Oh. Yeah. Just been a little confused" I shrug as I take my first bite. "This is delicious!" I say, a little too loudly. "I know, right? It is so good!" I hear Sonia's voice say. Kazuichi turns his head away as Sonia walks up to me. "Hello Y/N!" "Hi!" "Can you come with me for a second, friend?" she asks. "Of course!"

-in the hall-
"Hi! Kazuichi is not feeling very well. I could not cheer him up. I know you can though" she says, placing her hand on my shoulder gently. "What?" "Kazuichi feels safe around you. He told me that earlier" Wow. Didn't expect that.. "Ha, that's gay" I say, obviously joking. Sonia responds with a soft "Yup", pats me on the back and encourages me to eat the rest of the food. "Okay, okay, I'll go! Thank you Sonia!"

-back in the restaurant-
Huh? Everyone's leaving already? Everyone's walking down the stairs. Except for Kaz. I step in further and look around a few times, but to no avail.


"Kaz! Are you alright? Where are you?"  "...here" I look to my left, where the sound came from. I don't see anyone. "Down here, dork" Oh! He's sitting on the floor. "Hey man!" I sit down next to him. "Are you alright?" "No. I.. uh.. Y/N- have you ever questioned your- tastes?" Tastes? "In what? I mean I like cupcakes but muffins with fruit in them ar-" I am not good at lightening the mood. At all. "Heh, dummy.. that's not what I meant" "Okay okay, but tastes in what?" "...people"

OH! He means his sexuality! "Ohh! Of course, dude. I mean- who doesn't?" He looks up at me with wide eyes. "Really?? Do you like dudes?" "I- uhh- yeah?" "How did you find out??" "I- why?" He turns away, fiddling with his fingers. "Don't know" "Kazuichi- do you wanna chill in my cottage? It's kind of cold here and-" "Totally!"

-at the cottage-
Kazuichi flops down onto my bed with a big sigh. "Dude" I say, excited about my new idea: "Let's build a fuckin' pillow fort!" He jumps up from the bed. "Dude!! Hell yeah!" We spend the next few hours transforming my entire room into the coziest thing ever. It also has a pringle dispenser that Kazuichi built. We step back, sighing with a smile on our faces. "I think we got a little carried away" "Probably" We look at each other and burst out into laughter. This is fun. I flop down on a beanbag face-first. "Geronimoooo!" "WAIT NO-" flop! He jumped on top of me. "OI! Fucker!" I push him off into a pillow amd run after him, attacking him with a huge bear hug. "Ha!" I snatch his beanie and run around the room, waving it around teasingly. He runs after me.. but trips in the process, faceplanting on the floor.

"Shit, dude, are you okay?" He looks like he's crying. Shit. I walk over to him. He looks up. He's... laughing. He's struggling to breathe. "KAZUICHI, YOU ASS" He gets up, pushing me down on the bed and sitting down next to me. "Dude!!" I say, laughing. I look at him. He's bleeding. "Oi! You're bleeding! Your cheek is like.. busted!" I sit up, inspecting his cheek. "Are you okay? Does it hurt?" "Dude, I'm fine- it's cool" "No it's not!!" I gently wipe his cheek with my palm. "Y/n.. it does kinda hurt. I might know a way to make it better" He's stuttering and completely red. Dork. "What is it?" "You can.. kiss it better" Ha! I knew it! "Okay" I gently cup his other cheek and kiss the wounded cheek softly.  He's completely frozen. "Oi! Earth to Kazuichi!" I'm trying to hide the fact that I'm embarrassed as shit. He snaps out of it and smiles. "I didn't expect you to actually do it"

He takes a deep breath, puts his warm hand on the back of my neck and kisses me softly. I run my left hand through his hair and find his other hand with my right. I can feel him smile into the kiss. I can't help but love the shit out of him. I pull away, looking him into his flashy pink eyes. He throws his arms around me, disrupting the balance and making us fall off the bed together. Thank God the floor is soft now. We're completely intertwined on the floor. "Can we stay like this for a while, cutie?"

word count: 1029

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