Part 1

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Time: 7 p.m.

Venue: The Taj, Mumbai

After a tremendous series win against West Indies, the BCCI had called for a get together in the hotel the team was staying in to felicitate the gamechangers of the series, namely Virat, for his fabulous century, Jassi, for his amazing spell, and Harry, for the fantastic fielding. 

A special mention to Virat here. He was tremendous in this series, scoring runs but playing risk-free cricket. He had remained unbeaten in the run chases finishing the games and taking the team to victory. Not to mention the brilliant captaincy. And guesses who was the happiest seeing this?? Well, who else, the one who calls Virat his own, the one who's Virat is the absolute favourite, the one who is lovingly called Mahi bhai by the entire team.

Yes, Mahi bhai was beaming when Virat received the award from Dada, who was also beaming proudly at Virat's achievements. Dada gave a small speech on how happy he is, how proud he is of Virat and how lucky Indian Cricket is to have a gem like Virat. Virat and Dada also had a whispered talk on the stage due to which Virat laughed out and Dada hugged him lovingly. While watching all this, Mahi was having a different kind of feeling, but he was not able to put a finger on it. But he didn't get to think more about it as Virat had walked up to him and was hugging him. He hugged Virat back and said, "I'm so proud of you", making Virat's face light up like a light bulb. 

Dada went on to give the awards to all the other recipients and everyone else received mementos too as a token of appreciation. 

After the prize distribution, everyone settled down to have dinner. Virat sat beside Mahi bhai and Dada, basically in between both of them. Both Mahi and Sourav smiled at him and ruffled his hair as they started eating. Which resulted in Virat making an annoyed face towards them both, because he had spent half an hour to style his hair for that evening. Mahi saw his face and laughed out while Dada shook his head muttering, "Kids".

"Hawww, Vi. Your hair is looking like a bird's nest", teased Rohit, knowing very well that Virat will be annoyed more because one thing Vi loved is his perfectly styled hair. And how can one let go of an opportunity to tease one's best friend?

"Yes Vi, it looks like some birds just pecked on your head", joined Jaddu, because why not. He also has the rights to tease his Veer.

Virat made a face and turned towards Dada, wailing, "Dadaaaa, dekho naa, everyone is teasing me. Am I looking bad? Is my hair looking like a bird's nest?", bringing out his best puppy eyes.

"No, Cheeku. You are looking very good. Everyone, stop teasing him and eat your food", Dada ordered to stop the discussion- about- to- turn- into- debate atmosphere. Well, the boys around him were looking fully ready to debate back and forth on the topic "Whether Vi's hair is looking like a nest or not?" and were seriously looking seconds away in making him the moderator. So, he commanded them to stop the din. Virat gave all of them a smug grin and a happy one to Dada, before diving into his plate. 

Dada shook his head again, totally missing the slight frown on Mahi's face.

When Virat turned towards Dada after being teased, the uneasiness he felt after seeing Dada and Virat's camaraderie on the stage returned back to Mahi. Mahi couldn't help but feel a little down. "Virat always wails to me when cornered, but why didn't he do so now?", Mahi thought, completely forgetting that he was also teasing Virat and Dada was the only person not teasing him. So, it obvious for him turn to Dada.

But, no, he chose to dwell on the fact that Virat did not wail to him. He does not say this but Virat giving him all the importance and attention is something he really cherishes. So, now with Virat giving attention to Dada made him feel a bit..... jealous. And he tried to slap that thought away but he couldn't. 

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