Part 2

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The next morning, Dada woke up first. As soon as he opened his eyes, he felt a weight on his chest. He turned towards the weight and found Virat sleeping all but snuggled up to him using his chest a pillow, completely ditching the real one. Dada had a hard time controlling his snort as he tried to get up without disturbing the man-child sleeping on him. But as he moved, Virat just made an annoyed sound and gripped Dada more tightly, in his sleep.

Dada supressed a laugh and ruffled Virat's hair and said very gently, "Cheeku, wake up kiddo."

Virat, who was not in a mood to wake up, made a face and said, more like whined, "Uhh... sone do naa."

Dada smiled and said, "Accha, atleast mujhe toh utne de."

"Arey aap bhi so jaao", Virat mumbled innocently in his sleepy daze and Dada finally couldn't control his laughter anymore. Dada laughed out loud and Virat opened his eyes with a jolt.

He saw himself sleeping almost on top of Dada, and Dada's laugh made him feel embarrassed. He sat up and scratched his back of his neck sheepishly.

"Sorry, I don't know how I... ", he began but was cut off Dada himself.

"It's okay, you are my kid too. And now you will say sorry to me, eh Cheeku? That too for this?", said Dada a little loud and sarcastically.

"No no I d. Its just that I... slept... I.. didn't know", he heard Virat say hastily, with a flustered face.

"Dare you get embarrassed in front of me, Virat", said Dada, sending a warning glance to Virat.

At this particular moment, Yuvi thundered in, announcing, "Hello people, It's the great Yuvraj Singh here", flashing his trademark smug grin.

Sourav rolled his eyes and said drily, "Where did you land up from?"

"Me? Come on Dada. I live in Mumbai. I came to meet everyone", said Yuvi.

On the other hand, all these commotion broke Mahi's land of slumber too. He opened his eyes and the first thing he saw was Dada slightly glaring at Virat and Virat giving him a timid and sheepish smile and Yuvi looking from Dada to Virat.

Now, already Mahi was hugely upset by what happened the previous night and now this scene managed to plummet his mood to the very low. He looked at the two people warily, not at all happy with the ongoing scene. He had heard the line "you are my kid too" and he absolutely did not like it. Cheeku is my kid, he thought grumpily.

"By the way, what happened? Why is Cheeku looking like you caught him stealing candy?", Mahi saw Yuvi ask Dada. Dada wearily repeated everything.

Virat just smiled cheekily at Dada who couldn't help but pull the kid's cheeks. In all this, Dada didn't notice Mahi silently fuming in jealousy.

But Yuvi saw that.

Suddenly Virat noticed Mahi awake and staring at them intently, more like glaring at them. He couldn't understand what made Mahi bhai angry, early morning itself. But still, he tried to greet him in his usual over clingy cheerful manner. Virat plunged towards Mahi, taking him in a hug and said, "Good Morning Bhai"

Mahi, though mad at him, held his little brother back and greeted him, "Good Morning Cheeku"

"Good Morning Mahiya", said Sourav lovingly as usual. "Good morning Mahiya", Yuvi copied Sourav but in a teasing tone

"Good Morning Dada", said Mahi, ignoring Yuvi completely and then blurted out the question he was dying to ask, "What happened Dada? Why were you scolding Cheeku?"

"First of all, I was not scolding Cheeku. I was just telling him what he did was completely okay with me. After all, it's only me", said Sourav, shrugging his shoulders.

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