"y'all are cute"

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You: A-Anthony?

Anthony: y/n...?

Avani: Im... confused?

Anthony walks over and hugs Avani then comes to you.

You: Its been 7 years.

Anthony: no contact.

Anthony hugs you with out a second thought you hug him back.

Blake: Woah woah woah WOAH.

Avani: Blake, breathe.

Anthony: theres nothing to worry about. Me and y/n were best friends since we were born. Then I left NYC when I was 10.

You: Mhm.

Anthony: Everyone used to ship us at school.

I see Blake start to get angry

You: But we never liked eachother.

I see Blake calm down and we both exchange a smile.

Anthony: Hows Hayden?... Are you still friends with him

Blake: HAYDEN?!

You laugh

Anthony: You know him...?

You: Lets have this convo another time.

Blake: y/n this is Bryce, Jaden, Noah, Griffin, Josh and... well you know Anthony.

You: Nice to meet you

Tb- The boys

Tb- nice to meet you too y/n.

Blake: remember earlier?

You: Quite clear actually

Avani: Girl- run.

You: No.

Blake: run

You: Nope.

Anthony: Still same old y/n.

You: mhm

Bryce: Arent you gonna run

You: Nope.

Noah: Why?

You: because Blake wont hurt me.

Blake: True. But run.

You: no

He comes over to me and picks me up and throws me over his shoulder

Griffin: You should have ran.

You: Nope Im too tired to run.

Blake threw me down on the sofa and Anthony done the same to Avani. I layed on Blake and Avani layed on Anthony and we both fell asleep.

Jaden: Did they just-

Blake and Anthony: Shut up

Bryce takes a picture and posts it on his Ig story

Bryce takes a picture and posts it on his Ig story@brycehall

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@tiktokroom- #brycehall posted this picture of #blakegray #avani #y/n and #anthonyreeves on his instagram

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@tiktokroom- #brycehall posted this picture of #blakegray #avani #y/n and #anthonyreeves on his instagram

@blakegray: Normalize best friends cuddling smh. She was tired and she fell asleep doesnt mean we're dating. Use someone else to get clout from.
@brycehall: Just cause i posted this doesnt mean they are dating, Blakes right she literally fell asleep. What do you want him to do, throw her on the floor?
@anthonyreeves: Y'all know me and Avani are dating. Its normal. Blake and y/n are bestfriends. Do y'all not cuddle with your best friend. They are just friends. Avani and y/n both fell asleep.
@??: Normalize best friends cuddling.
@??: Let them live ffs

When I wake up I see Blake on his phone

Blake: Hiii

You: Did I fall asleep?

Blake: Yeah, its fine your good. Avani fell asleep too.

You: Sorry I was tired

Blake: Nah its ok

Avani comes into the living room


You: Vaniiii

I reach my arms out for her and she picks me up

Blake: Heyyy gimme my best friend back!

Avani: No!

Blake: Yes!

All the other boys come in

Avani: NO!

Blake: YES!

Bryce: What are you 2 arguing about



Avani puts me down

Griffin: Who do you choose y/n.


Blake gets up and chases me around eventually he gives up and I hug him

Avani: y'all are cute.

Blake: Yeah cuter than yavani.

You: Whattttt neverrrr

Jaden: Yake. But we gonna go bed. Night

You and Blake: Night

Everyone goes to bed except me, Blake, Avani and Anthony

Anthony: Are you still friends with Hayden?

I feel Blake tense when Anthony said Haydens name.

You: Fortunately, Im not. Uh- We actually dated a few years ago. And- he became really toxic and abusive. After we broke up he got everyone to hate me and the whole school bullied me.

Anthony: Im so sorry...

You: No its ok! Its made me who I am today.

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