The morning after

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I wake up, Blake is still in bed obviously.

I waited for Blake to get up and that took an hour

Blake: Hey baby.

You: I cant walk still
I whined

Blake: i'll get you clothes

He handed me my sweatpants and hoodie from the wardrobe and he changes into shorts and a tanktop

Blake: You gotta make an excuse.

I knock on Avanis and Anthonys wall and they come running in

Avani: Whats up- oh... y'all had fun.

Blake: Her dads here.

Anthony: Shit. Couldnt you have waited till he left?

You: no Ant.

Avani: We'll say she hurt her leg.

Anthony: Blake your covered in hickeys.

Avani grabbed my concealer and covered my hickeys that were on my neck.

Anthony: Meh Blakes a boy. He can just say he slept with someone.

Blake: till he finds out its with his daughter do y'all not remember last night?! Me and y/n arent allowed to even sleep together! Let alone fuck!

Anthony: It'll be fine! Just say y/n hurt her legs. Say she tripped.

You: Yeah tripped onto Blake

Everyone burst out laughing and Blake pulled you up onto his back

Blake walked downstairs, me on his back, Anthony and Avani following us. And ofcourse there he was. Dad sitting talking to everyone!

Bryce: Morning y'all!

Anthony: Morning

Avani: Morning


Blake: OW my ears! Morning

You: Oops sorry.

Dad: What happened to you y/n.

You: I hurt my legs yesterday. I tripped and fell on the way home from dinner.

Dad: Oh im sorry

Avani: *whispers to me* How the fuck did he believe that-

I shrug.

Addi: so whats everyones plans for today?

You: I cant walk can i?

Blake: Its my fault, Im suppose to protect you. Instead I let you fall.

I try so hard to keep in my laughter.

Dad: Me and y/n gotta talk.

Blake throws me onto the sofa and goes into the kitchen


Everyone but you: Me please!

Blake bought the 1st lot of food out and gave it to people, as he did with the second and third time smiling at me everytime he walked past. Even though I didnt ask for food, Blake bought me a plate full of pancakes and fruits

You: Oh thanks

Blake: Your welcome

You: What happened to buisness?

Dad: Im actually going away tomorrow, uh- I came to say bye...

You: You'll be coming back... right?

Dad: I cant promise this time sweetie..

You: w-what? What are you talking about...

Dad: Im... Im going to War...

I put my plate onto the table and Blake saw me trying to get up, he came over and lifted me up.

You: War?! WHY?!

Dad: It was your mothers dream for me to go. But when she found out she was pregnant, I stayed. Now your old enough... I can go...

You: When do I see you next?!

Dad: In 6 months... If I make it.

You: Dont say that Dad please dont, I cant lose another parent.

I burst out crying into Blakes chest.

𝙱𝚘𝚍𝚢𝚐𝚞𝚊𝚛𝚍 *𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙴𝚃𝙴*Where stories live. Discover now